Ch. 25

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The Hero Killer's blade fell. But before his blade hit Iida's chest, ice appeared, stopping it.

"Izuku-kun, please give more specific directions."

Izuku's eyes filled with joy. Todoroki stepped out of the shadows. "I was almost too late."

Izuku smiled. "What made you figure it out?"

Todoroki let off another sheet of ice, slidding Iida and Native back to him. "It's not like you to send a message with only your location, so I knew it wasn't good."

Izuku strained against the paralysis. "I'm glad you got here. Don't let Stain cut you. He needs your blood to paralyzed you!"

Todoroki nodded. "Okay."

"And don't outright attack. Only use self defense!"

Todoroki light his fire, warming up his left side, countering his ice quirk's freezing aspect. "You're very bossy right now."

"I don't want you getting in trouble!" Izuku moved his finger. 'It's wearing off.'

Stain snarled. "So many disruptions. Now you will die too!" He charged forward.

Todoroki let off a sheet of ice. Stain races up it. "Never block your eyes from an enemy faster then you!"

He stabbed Todoroki in the arm. Todoroki yelled in pain. He froze the area and ripped his arm away, making sure to take the blood with him.

Stain snarled. "Clever, very clever." He moved forward, and tried to lick the blood splayer on Todoroki's face.

He got within an inch before Todoroki suddenly turned to shadows.

Stain lurched back. "What?!"

Izuku appeared with Todoroki beside him. "Seems that type O has the shortest him."

Stain turned to them. 'You got luckly boy.' "Saving a comrade huh? Not many do that."

Todoroki clutched his arm. "What do you want to do Izuku. This blade it going to limit my movement."

Izuku's eyes turned darker, becoming the same color as his hair. "Use you ice to try and immobilize him." He muttered. "I'll distract him."

Todoroki nodded.

Izuku melted back into shadows.

Stain looked around. 'He likes to attack from behind. I'm getting your fighting style boy.'

This time, however, Izuku appeared above him. It being night, he could appear midair, as the whole area was shadows.

However, this was a double edged sword. It was much harder for him to shadows to bind people, as they could go anywhere.

Izuku slammed his leg into Stain's head.

"Gah!" Stain slashed up, but Izuku was already gone.

Small gems were chucked from the shadows. They didn't do any damage, but they were surprising.

Stain snarled. "Where are you boy?"

Izuku appeared behind him, but Stain was ready for it. He grabbed Izuku fist and delivered a punch of his own.

Izuku did the same to him. He may have been smaller, but he was much stronger then he looked.

Izuku gave him a kick to the side. Stain grunted, but he didn't removed his hand.

Suddenly, Iida came up and gave a blow of his own. He kicked the Hero Killer right in the face.

Izuku jumped up, still holding onto Stain, flipped over him, and used his momentum to force Stain to let go.

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