Ch. 24

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(I'M SORRY! I should have said this in the last chapter, but thank you to @karma34562 for suggesting Izuku intern with Mirko!)

Izuku and Mirko were on a train. They had just finished a harsh training session.


"Where are we?" Izuku asked. They were in the middle of no where. He did see a fighting ring, but there wasn't alot there.

Mirko smiled. "This is where I do a lot of sparing. I've seen you fight, and there are a few thing you need to work on. First, fighting on instinct."

Izuku rested a hand on Cerberus. "What do you mean?"

Mirko steppes into the fighting ring. "In the Sport's Festival, you knew who you were fighting. That let you make plans. While, yes, plans are important, so is fighting on instinct. You need to learn how to fight while knowing nothing about you opponent."

Izuku nodded. "I get your point."

Mirko gestured for him to enter the ring. "So, to start, we're going to spare. Didn't think about that to do next."

(I'm adding a belt to Izuku's costume. It's black with many pouches. He kept extra com links, and small weapons. Think knifes, a collapsible bowie staff, smoke bombs, flash bombs, first aid equipment, things like that.)

Izuku nodded. The second he stepped into the ring, Mirko charged him. Izuku ducked to avoid the kick. His mind was moving a mile a mile.

'Fight on instinct, Izuku! Instinct!' Izuku grabbed one of his knifes from his belt.

Mirko flipped around to stay in the ring. 'Nice dodge.' She came at him with a series of fast punches.

Izuku focused on defense. He blocked her attacks. Then, he managed to slice her arm with his knife.

"Kept coming at me!" Mirko shouted as she knocked his knife aside.

Izuku backed up as Mirko continued to attack him. Before long, he was over the line.

Mirko stopped when that happened. "Okay. You lasted longer then I though you would."

Izuku smiled. He was breathing hard. "Thanks. Your right. I need to get better at that."

Mirko smiled back. "Don't worry. Let's get some water, and get back to work."

After several hours of training, Izuku was able to get use to it. He turned off his brain, which was the hardest part.

After he got use to doing it on his own, Mirko had to his Cerberus, though he wasn't aloud to have his snakes.

Cerberus was much better at fighting on instinct, as he was a dog. Izuku work with it both on his back and with them tag teaming.


Now, after two days of training, Mirko and Izuku were out patrolling. They were taking the train to get there.

Cerberus suddenly perked up. He softly growled.

Izuku looked at him. "Cerberus-kun? What's wrong?"

Mirko's ears twitches. "Somethings off. Does Cerberus have some kind of danger instinct? I have something like that."

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