Ch. 15

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(Weekend fluff chapter. I know there is no point in me doing this, but I do want to write it. I'm going to have Izuku and Bakugo talk about getting close to Todoroki, so it might be needed. Also, I have no idea how to writing things like this. I'm Asexual and Aromantic, so this is a blind zone for me. Sorry.)

Izuku was laying in his bed. He was still feeling awful that he wasn't about to help Aizawa more. He hadn't been able to see him in the hospital.

Nezu looked into his room. It was around noon and Izuku didn't had anything to eat. He didn't even eat dinner the night before, so he was getting really worried. Even though he had been a good father to Izuku, he was still struggling with the Izuku's emotions.

He didn't want to intrude, but he still felt like he needed to do something. Izuku was in gray sweatpants, a plain white shirt, and no socks. Cerberus was laying on his legs, trying to get him to chear up, but it wasn't working.

Nezu took a deep breath. "Izuku-kun? Is everything okay? You haven't eaten all day."

"I'm not hungry." Nezu knew that he was lying.

He walked in and climbed onto his bed. "Izuku-kun, you knew there was nothing more you could do. You know that."

Izuku turned onto his back. "I know that, in my head. But in my heart,"

"You blame yourself as you have a powerful quirk." Nezu finished. He put a hand on his son.

Izuku looked at him. "Yeah. I'm also struggling with something else."

Nezu blinked. "Do you want to tell me?"

Izuku pulled his legs up. "I'm getting feelings for someone else, but I still love Kacchan."

Nezu suddenly wanted to leave. He knew that Izuku was Pansexual. Nezu, having never been in love, had no idea how to handle something like this.

Izuku grabbed the teddy bear Nezu gave him all those years ago. "I have no idea how to tell him. I feel like I'm in love with two people. I don't want to loss Kacchan, but I don't know how to handle these feelings"

Nezu's internal self was running in circles screaming. He had no idea what to say.

Izuku squeezed the bear. "Should I talk to Kacchan about this? I don't know if I can keep it a secret."

Nezu leaned back. "I think you should. Keeping secrets never goes well."

Izuku looked at him. "You sure?"

Nezu nodded. "Yes." 'No! I have no idea what I'm doing! I should have gotten Midnight or Recovery Girl!'

Izuku grabbed his phone from the bedside table. He opened his contacts and looked at his texted to Bakugo and hyped himself up to make the call.

It rang twice before Bakugo picked up. "Hey babe. You okay?"

Izuku sat up. "I, um. I want to talk to you about something. Came you come to the school. I can let you in."

"Sure. Give me twenty minutes. Love you."

"Love you too." Izuku heard the phoen click off. He looked at his phone for a second before he walked to the front gate, still in his crash clothes.

Fiveteen minutes later, Bakugo came around the corner.

He smiled when he saw Izuku, until he noticed his clothes. This was the outfit when he was feeling awful.

He grabbed his hand. "Izuku? You okay."

Izuku looked down. "I don't know."

Bakugo cupped his face and gave him a kiss. "You know you can talk to me."

The Son of HadesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora