Ch. 34

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(So I want to tell you how this chapter is going to go. It's going to start will doctors doing their best to save Izuku, then it most of class 1A making plans to get Tokoyami back.)

"Hurry! Hurry!" Doctors rushed around Izuku. They were using anyone with healing quirks to get Izuku's boby ro stop turning into shadows before he ends up dying.

Even Recovery Girl was there, though there was almost nothing she could do. Her quirk relied on the person current strength, and Izuku had none.

Luckily, there was a woman with a quirk that used her own strength instead of the person she was healing. She was able to get Izuku's chest back before she collapsed.

They put on heart moniter, IVs in the few vains they could get access to. They found that most of his lungs were shadows, and were then forced to place him on a ventilator, just to have him breath.

As they moved around, Cerberus was pacing back and forth in the hall. While Todoroki and Bakugo sat in the hall. Mandalay had taken Kota, and she had to promise him that, once Izuku was stable, they could visit. Before she did that, Kota was trying to go with the doctors.

Doctors were rushing in and out of the room, running test, doing everything they could to save Izuku.

Both the Doctors and Izuku's boyfriends were worried about the cost. Thanks to Izuku's power to summon gems, they could pay it no problem.

After thirty minutes of waiting, Nezu came running in. He was clearly in a panic, and he rushed up to Todoroki and Bakugo. "What happened?!"

Bakugo glanced at him. "We don't know. Not even the £*(k¡ng doctor know!"

Todoroki kept walking back and forth, matching pace with Cerberus. 'Please. Please. Please. Please let Izuku live.'

Nezu sat down and but his hand in his hands. He tried calming down, but was shaking in fear.

Over three hours later, a doctor came out, covered in sweat, and clearly exhausted. "Principle Nezu?"

The animal like hero shot to his feet. "Yes?"

The doctor removed his mask, showing that he was smiling. "You son is stable."

Nezu feel to his knees, and clasped his hands. He being thanks the doctors under his breath.

After a few minutes, he got to his feet. "Are we okay to see him?"

The doctor nodded. "Please, follow me."

Nezu, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Cerberus followed the doctor to a room labeled 461.

He let them inside, and told them he would give them some space.

When they say what Izuku looked like, they were still a little shocked.

Izuku's skin was still snow-white. He was on a ventilator, and had a dozen machines keeping an eye on his vitals the tips of his fingers were still shadows, but he was mostly okay.

Bakugo sat in a chair and rested his arms on the side of the bed. "What on earth did you do?"

Cerberus shrunk to the size of a Yorkshire Terrier, and jumped on the bed. He curled up on Izuku's stomach and wained as he looked at Izuku.

Todoroki looked at Nezu. "Do you have any idea as to what might have caused this?"

Nezu shook his head. "Unfortunately not. I've never seen something like this."

After Nezu left, Todoroki looked at Bakugo. "We're going to needed to rescue Tokoyami, aren't we? Politics are going to make an offical rescue hard."

Bakugo nodded. "Even if we're not friends, we still need to save him. Izuku wouldn't want to find out that one of his classmates has been captured."

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