Ch. 9

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On the walk to Recovery Girl's office, Bakugo picked Izuku up when they were out of sight of any students.

He opened her door to her office with his hip. Izuku was in quite a bit of pain as having a hand of shadows.

Recovery Girl looked up. At first she seemed annoyed that there was already a student in her office, but she saw that it was serious.

"Oh my!" She rushed over as Bakugo set Izuku on one of the beds. "What happened?"

Bakugo pulled up a chair. "He miscalculated with his quirk."

Recovery Girl kissed him on the cheek, and his hand slowly turned back into flesh. "Explain in more detail please."

Bakugo watched as Izuku fell asleep. "He was basically teleporting the ball for a test from Aizawa-sensei. He miscalculated and it ended up farther then he intened. Overuse leads to his body turning into shadows. It hasn't happened in some time. I guess that's why he got into so much pain."

Recovery Girl nodded. "He will wake up in about an hour. You can go back to class. Thank you for bringing him here."

Bakugo wanted to argue, but he left the room.

Recovery Girl smiled. 'It's cute that you think I don't know the two of you ate dating. Izuku has come to me for grandmotherly advice.'


When Bakugo get back into the classroom, after changing back into the uniform, he noticed all the students were looking at him.

"What?" He asked, walking to his desk.

A boy with bright red hair walked over. "You're Katsuki Bakugo right?"

He nodded and sat in his set. "Why do you want to know?"

He grinned. "We all want to know why you were so concerned about Izuku? How did you know what to do?"

Bakugo scoffed. "We went to middle school together. Now go away."

The redhead blinked. "Um. Okay." He walked off.

Bakugo closed his eyes, seeing that all the students were talking to eachother.


Izuku groaned and opened his eyes. He sat up, rubbed his eyes, and looked around. He recognized that he was in Recovery Girl's office.

"Ah, you're awake." Izuku turned to see Recovery Girl.

He smiled. "Thanks for healing me."

She shrugged. "You made a mistake. We all make them."

Izuku nodded. He got out of the bed, only to stumble. "Wooh." He grabbed the post of the bed.

Recovery Girl stepped forward. "Are you okay?"

Izuku nodded. "Yeah. Just got up to fast."

She nodded. "You should get back to class."

Izuku nodded. "See you later." He walked to the changing rooms, as he didn't shadow travel for a day after his body startes turning into shadow, just to be safe.

As he walked back to his classroom, he could hear all of them talking. When he opened the door, he realized that Aizawa was asleep in his sleeping bag.

The girl who asked about the entrance ceremony noticed him and walked over. "Hey! You're back fast!"

Izuku smiled at her. "It's thanks to Recovery Girl!"

She smiled. "I'm Ochaco Uraraka! You're Izuku Midoriya right?"

He nodded. "It's nice to meet you Uraraka-san! How did you do on the training exercise?"

She smiled. "I got twelfth place. I mean, the only teat I did good on was the ball throw test."

Izuku pulled out a notebook. "I saw you infinity! What does your quirk do?"

She smiled. "It's called Zero Gravity! If I touch something with all five of my fingers, it doesn't have gravity anymore. Though if I use it to much, I get sick." She rubbed the back of her neck.

Izuku wrote very fast. "So your quirk is stamina based. That could be useful for rescue."

She laughed at his mutterings. "What's your quirk. I notice you were using shadows."

He smiled. "That's only part of my quirk. It's called Child of Hades. I can summon skeletons, control shadows and pull gems from the earth. Most of my quirk is stamina based."

Uraraka put her fingers together. "Okay? But why did your hand turn into shadows?"

Izuku rubbed his wrist. "When I over use the shadow aspect of my quirk, I causes part if my body to turn into shadows. It can be reversed, but without a healing quirk, it could take months. I got luckly that it was only my hand."

Uraraka looked very concerned. "That sounds painful."

Izuku gave her a shrug. "It's not do bad. I don't happened that often."

Uraraka decided to change the subject. "You mentioned that you can pull gems from the earth?"

Izuku nodded. From is pocket, he pulled a diamond. It was small, but it would be perfect for something like a ring. It glittered and was perfectly round.

Uraraka gasped. "It's beautiful. I wish I was able to do that."

Izuku slipped it back into his pocket. "Why do you say that?"

She rubbed her arm. "My family is kinda poor. I'm working a part time job to help pay for hero costume."

Izuku looked sad. He pulled the diamond back out. "Here." He offered it to her.

She looked shocked. "Oh! No! I can't take it."

Izuku pressed it into her hand. "I don't need it. I can always get more."

Uraraka was blushing like crazy. "Um. I, I don't know what to say."

Izuku smiled. "It's okay. I get that alot when I give people gems." He pulled a card out and held it out to her. "Here. This is that place that I go to turn exchange my gems from cash."

She took the card. "Thanks. Um, how much is this? I know nothing about gems."

Izuku laughed. "It's about ¥250,000."

(For contexts, that's about $2,500.)

She looked back at the gem. "Oh." She walked back to her seat and sat down, still in shock.

Bakugo, who had been listening, chuckled. "Are you ever going to stop doing that?"

Izuku smiled, and went back to his notebook. "Nope! I don't need them anyway."

Bakugo snorted, his eyes still closed. "You think she's going to get a crush on you?"

Izuku froze. "I didn't think about that."

Bakugo snorted. "Be careful."

Izuku shook his head. "I'm sure I can handle it."

Bakugo put his feet on his desk. "Sure you can."

Izuku glanced up at him, before going bake to making note on the quirks of his classmates. He needed to keep his mind of that.

(Next chapter is going be their first hero lesson! That's going to be fun to write! Also, I need help thinking of a hero name for Izuku. What do you think would be good?)

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