Ch. 11

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Izuku and Bakugo waited for Iida and Uraraka to plant their 'weapon'.

Izuku pressed his hand into the ground the moment All Might said. "Go!" He summoned skeletonal mice and set them into the buildings.

When they came back, after 2 minutes, he looked at Bakugo and pointed to an old stone building. "Sixth floor. Iida-san can't move very fast inside. Uraraka-san is going to be hard to deal with if there is rubble around. From what I can tell about the room, they light it up so I can't shadow travel. I can get outside the room but Uraraka-san is right outside. What do you want to do?"

Bakugo tapped the ground. "Teleport us to the staircase of the sixth floor. I say use the shadows to hold her in place."

Izuku smiled. He held out his hand. "Ready?"

Bakugo clutched it. "This never gets old."

Izuku closed his eyes and melted them into shadows. They reappeared right behind that door to the stair case.

Bakugo grinned. "I will never get tired of that."

(For those wondering, shadow traveling is like going on a roller coaster in the pitch black. There will be souls wailing as you go. The more tired Izuku is, the longer and harder it is to shadow travel. When he starts turning to shadows, and if he is healed by Recovery Girl, or after he heals, he won't shadow travel for a day as a precaution.)

Izuku smirked. "On three?"

Bakugo clicked his gauntlet. "Why wait?" He charged out from behind the door.

Izuku sighed. He moved out to see Uraraka blocking Bakugo with rubble. She was making it hover and was pushing it at him.

Bakugo was blasting them, but he was letting off explosions that were a bit bigger then they needed to be.

Izuku was getting nervous, as the building seemed unstable, but he got to work.

He put his hand to the ground. He moved the shadows around him and used them to bind Uraraka.

She strained against them, and Izuku looked at Bakugo. "Go! I've got her."

He nodded and charged into the room. Izuku stood up and walked over to Uraraka and binded her with rope. "Sorry."

She shrugged as best she could. "I still have Iida-kun. Good luck."

Izuku smiled. He put her to the side. "Let's just make sure that you don't get hurt by Kacchan's explosions."

Izuku ran into the room. He saw Bakugo sending off explosions to get Iida away from the weapon. Because of how they had light up the room, Izuku didn't have enough shadows to bind Iida.

Then Bakugo pulled the pin from his gauntlet. He was getting frustrated at Iida being about to dodge his explosions with his speed.

Izuku's eyes widened. Before he could even say, "Stop!" the pin was gone.

The explosion was massive. Iida hid behind the weapon and Izuku jumped to the corner and put up a wall of black stone.

When the fire and smoke cleared, Izuku released the wall and saw that the building was coming down.

Bakugo, seeing his mistake, grabbed Iida, as the rocks damaged his costume, crushing the armor around his legs, making it hard for him to move. Bakugo and Izuku raced into the hall, where Uraraka was straining against the ropes in a panic.

Izuku grabbed her shoulder and Bakugo's extended hand. He warped them into shadows, as the lights had gone out.

As he did it fast, they spent a several seconds in between the real world and the shadows.

It was a few nerve-wracking seconds for the other students and All Might before they came back out in the courtyard.

Izuku pulled them out, as it took more energy to do it with more people. He gasped as he fell to his knees and let go of Uraraka and Bakugo.

Bakugo dropped Iida and dusted himself off. "We all good?"

After he said that, the building came crashing down.

He glanced back. "Okay then."

Iida stood up. "Are you not shocked?"

Bakugo shrugged. "Eh. We all make mistakes."

When Izuku caught his breath and untied Uraraka. "Sorry about the scare."

She rubbed her wrist. "I'm okay. But who won? The building was destory, so I'm guessing so was the weapon. Did we win or did you?"

Izuku shrugged and helped her to her feet. "I think that's more up to All Might."

Just then, All Might came up. "Is everyone okay?"

Izuku, Bakugo, Iida, and Uraraka nodded.

All Might smiled. "Good. I believe that this ended in a draw."

Izuku nodded. "Okay. Are we moving training grounds for the next group?"

He nodded. "Let's go."

The four nodded. They followed their teacher back to the observation room to see the following groups.

Izuku pulled out a notebook and was doing notes on all his classmates.

As he muttered away, Uraraka glanced at Bakugo. "Has he always like this?"

Bakugo nodded. "I don't think he'll ever break that habit."

He walked up and nubbed Izuku. "You're muttering."

Izuku blushed. "Sorry." He went back to his notes, only this time he kept his mouth shut.

(Bit of a shorter chapter. See you in the next one!)

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