Ch. 18

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As they got their headband, showing how many points they were worth. Izuku got it confirmed that, because Cerberus was technically part of his quirk, they could ride him.

To add some fun, Izuku managed to create platforms from blackstone that Bakugo and Todoroki would stand and hold onto. This was mostly so Cerberus could still be a small size. Izuku would be controlling Cerberus and Shinso would get teams to stop so Todoroki and Bakugo could grab their headbands.

Izyku glanced around, seeing the teams other people had made. Two caught his eyes.

One was the team Iida made. He had Uraraka, Asui, and Tokoyami. It was nicely thought out. It seemed that Uraraka made the weightless, while Tokoyami held them to her. Asui would grab people's headband with her tongue and Iida would direct Uraraka around and provide protection.

The other one was the team Kirishima made. It had Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero. Kirishima would keep them on his back, Kaminari would be able to kept close range people away with his lighting. Sero could handle long range and Ashido could keep people like Momo away.

'This might be challenging.' Izuku looked up and saw Endeavor. The flaming hero seemed to be furious that his son was working with him. The person who beat him.

'I want to make him mad, but I can do that later.' Izuku smiled when he got to his team. "You ready?"

The three nodded. Todoroki got on the right holder, and Bakugo got on the left one. Shinso sat behind Izuku and wrapped his arms around Izuku's waist.

Izuku would glances back to see Todoroki and Bakugo glaring at Shinso. 'I didn't think about the fact that his arms around going to be around me. They might, no. They will get jealous. We better get this over fast.'

Bakugo, Todoroki, and Shinso tied their headbands around on their foreheads. Izuku proudly did the same with his million point one.

He looked at them. "This is going to be fun!" They stepped into the the ring.


Cerberus pawed the ground, ready for action. Izuku clutched his collar, ready to move at any moment.


Cerberus rushed forward. Todoroki and Bakugo clutched onto the handles on their platforms. Todoroki even froze his hand to his. Bakugo just had Izuku wrap the black stone around it.

They immediately got to work. Bakugo grabbed the 100 point headband form one person, and another 65 point one from the same team.

Todoroki put up a wall of ice to stop Ashido's acid from hitting them. He grabbed two headbands form a different team. They were worth 50 and 60 points.

"Todoroki-kun! Make a ramp!" Todoroki looked to see the charging right at a group with a blonde that seemed to have a number of quirks.

He shot his hand out and a icy ramp appear in front of then. Cerberus raced up and Bakugo leaned back as they flee over them, grabbed the blonde headband, worth 85 points.

"Nice work Kacchan!" Izuku had Cerberus turn and run around the ring.


Shinso grinned. "We might win this!"

"Don't jenks us!" Izuku's eyes were darting around, looking for any danger. Then he saw it.

Two groups coming at them at once.

Izuku glanced back. "Shinso-kun! You know what to do!"

He nodded. "You think you came get us?"

Everyone in the group responded. "Of course we can!"

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