Paris. Part 3

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I slept peacefully in my room. My body needed rest after the night we'd spent walking around the city, and since we didn't have any plans for tonight, I had a clear conscience and planned to sleep until evening. But it wasn't like that.

The first thing I heard was the door rattling like an earthquake and Olivia's joyful voice

"I don't have a morning hangover and in honor of this miracle I thought we could do something interesting instead of lying in bed."

"Congratulations, now go and do it all without me since I'll be asleep" I replied sleepily, only wrapping myself more tightly in the blanket

"What do you mean? I thought we were having an active time here, and you're usually a morning person.

"And today I want to be an owl, can you respect my wishes?!" I didn't mean to be mean or rude, but I guess that's what my voice sounded like.

"Okay, I'm sorry" Olivia said and apparently she really thought I was mad at her.

"No, stop" I sighed and opened my eyes to see the guilty look on Olivia's face "Sorry, that's not what I meant. But I really need to get some sleep."

"I get it. Then I'll come back later" shrugged Olivia, and though she tried to pretend that everything was fine I could see that it wasn't.

Apparently she'd been in a really good mood this morning and now she felt guilty because she thought I really didn't want to see her.

"Wrong answer again" I yawned and looked at her then threw back part of the blanket from my bed "come here"

Liv moved her gaze from the bed to me, apparently unsure but I was too sleepy to think straight

"I know I don't look my best in the morning, but am I really that scary?" I joked.

"Oh, no, you aren't"

If I was less sleepy I'd understand why she hesitated.

Olivia cautiously climbed onto the bed beside me, still not touching me, but at least her legs were already covered by the blanket.

"Come on, lie down normally," I said, and pulled her a little on the sleeve of her T-shirt so that she could lie down fully on the next pillow, and as soon as she did I hugged her, snuggling closer to her without thinking about the consequences. Olivia was still a little tense, but she let me hold her, and folded her arms around me herself.

I felt so good that I fell asleep a few minutes later.

I woke up a few hours later, and the first thing I felt was a body pressed against me. We switched positions and I was now lying on my back and Olivia on her side, breathing into my neck and wrapping her arms around my waist.

Our closeness took my breath away, because the last time we'd slept like this was when we were dating.

I moved my hand gently, wondering how I could get up unnoticed, because I wasn't sure I could handle this "waking up together" and not blush at the very least. But as soon as I started to move, Liv moved even closer and murmured

"You're so warm, don't go"

I froze in place, and while my heart pounded frantically, a smile blossomed on my lips.

I just layed still, and to my surprise, Olivia didn't wake up. She continued to sniff sweetly, snuggling against me, and she couldn't have been any cuter! Like I swear my heartbeat was loud enough to wake her up and at some point I couldn't breathe normally.

I covered my eyes as I didn't want to sleep anymore, but I wanted to stretch out this moment of intimacy. But it wasn't to be. Why the hell was my phone abruptly buzzing with the sound of someone calling me and Olivia hissed.

Besties [Olivia Rodrigo X Female reader]. Rewritten.Where stories live. Discover now