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I sat on the floor of my apartment and painted by number while listening to the show playing in the background.
Drawing helped me cope with my emotions and shift my attention. And lately, I've needed to do that quite often. I did not allow myself to go back to the old state, and on the contrary, I began to occupy myself with anything so as not to sit idle. When I was busy I didn't have time to feel sad for Olivia and the old days.

Sometimes in the evening, memories came back to me, and a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

It turned out that it was not so easy to stop contact with Olivia when almost all our friends were in common and accordingly invited both of us to some meetings. So often one of us refused,not to run into the other.

Everybody understood and I understood that it couldn't last that long. So maybe I should think about where to find new friends.

My musings were interrupted by a phone call. It was Madison.

"Hi Mad."

"Hey Y/n, am I interrupting?"

"Not at all, I'm just sitting here painting" I smiled getting up from the floor to pour myself some orange juice.

"I didn't know you liked painting."

"I have lately."

"I mean. It's none of my business and you can tell me to fuck myself for saying this, but what's the relationship between you and Liv?"

"To be honest? Keeping our communication to a minimum and trying to move on. Why?"

"Just...I'm a little embarrassed to ask you this, but here's the thing. Are you following Liv's tour?"

"Well I know she's on tour and nothing else," I replied with the honest truth. I immediately flip through the news or the post if it was about Olivia.

"We all miss you and we all agreed to hang out together tomorrow and would like to see you there. But there's a "but". We planned to go to Olivia's concert first and then to a restaurant and a walk around the city. If you don't want to go to the concert, which we all understand and accept, you can come straight to the restaurant. What do you say?I know you guys have a complicated relationship, so I'm calling to see if you'd like to join us."

The prospect of hanging out with my best buddies looked very tempting, I won't lie. But still, Olivia would be there. How was I supposed to look her in the eye after what happened?

"Can I have five minutes to think about it?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll wait for your call." Madison said and hung up.

I sighed and went on Google. I found a few videos from tour. Of course it was a video recording and not real life, but I kind of held it together. I didn't burst into tears when I saw her or kiss her. It's time for us to grow up and realize that life doesn't end with us breaking up.  Of course I don't think she and I will ever be best friends, but we can build a respectful relationship.

I thought it would be better if I stopped talking to Liv. But now I was questioning whether that was the right decision. We could at least not avoid each other. I mean, we'd been through so much together.

The question was whether Olivia would be happy to see me on her tour. But I'll never know if I don't show up. If I saw that she wasn't comfortable, I wouldn't try again.

I dialed Madison's number again.

"Well?" She asked.

"I'm in."


At lunch the next day I met up with the guys an hour before the concert started. I rubbed my hands nervously as we walked to Liv's dressing room.

Besties [Olivia Rodrigo X Female reader]. Rewritten.Where stories live. Discover now