Finally happy

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Olivia's alarm clock went off under my ear. For some reason, it was ringing so close and loud today. We had to get up at seven in the morning because Olivia had a photo shoot for the magazine and I had a interview at the university.Olivia and I hung out with friends all night last night, got home pretty late and then spent a few hours making love so we didn't fall asleep until 3 a.m.

And I didn't regret the way we spent the day yesterday one bit. I felt Olivia's nose press against my neck as she mumbled sleepily.

"When did it get to be morning?"

I smiled and finally cracked my eyes open, only to fumble for my phone and set my alarm for ten minutes.

My head rested tiredly on the pillow, and I wrapped my arms around Olivia's waist.

"You need to go to the photo shoot," I whispered, trying to sound alert even though my eyes were closing on their own.

"I know. Just like you have to go to university."

Her eyelashes fluttered and the look in her brown eyes stared back at me.
I smiled and my nose touched Olivia's cheek, and she intended to kiss me on the cheek, but she messed it and kissed me somewhere under my earlobe so that it tickled me.

I laughed and pressed myself tighter against her.

"Good morning."


Liv brushed a strand of hair away from my face and intended to kiss me fully this time, on the lips, but just at that moment the alarm clock sounded again

"Fuck you!" We said in unison, reluctantly getting up and partially climbing out from under the covers to start the day.

We wore only T-shirts and socks since the floor of Liv's apartment was cold and we made our way to the kitchen like that. I made us a cup of coffee, otherwise we had no chance of functioning and Liv got the overnight oats she had made yesterday out of the fridge.

After a quick breakfast, Olivia ran to the bathroom, as the car was already sent for her so she was running late, and I had to be on time.

At times like this I was eternally grateful that Olivia's apartment had more than one bathroom, because if we had one it would have been very difficult at times like this.

But I had to go into Olivia's bathroom anyway, because my scrub was there and I saw her standing in front of the mirror, concentrating on putting cream on her face. I paused for a second, just looking at her, admiring her beauty.

Liv turned to me and pulled me to her, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her bangs were pinned with two pins of soft pink, which made her look very beautiful.

"You're very pretty" I smiled looking at her "I can't believe I have the honor of calling you mine."

"Oh my god, what wording" Olivia's cheeks flushed a little and it didn't escape me "thank you"

I brought my face close to hers and kissed her firmly-firmly, pushing Liv into the sink a little. Our lips couldn't part again, though the driver who was waiting for Olivia downstairs hinted more than once that it was time for her to hurry up. But it didn't matter, because I could literally feel the tenderness, love, and happiness that was coming from Olivia.

Liv's phone was already starting to ring and we pulled away from each other.

"You need to go or they'll kill you" I smiled and pulled our faces away a little, though my arms were still around Olivia

"Well I hope they forgive me for being five minutes late."

I reluctantly stepped away from Liv but she held me back and asked

Besties [Olivia Rodrigo X Female reader]. Rewritten.Where stories live. Discover now