78. Anistar Sundial: Duality

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Luna didn't dare to go close to Axel.

She was scared of him. There was nothing they could do to stop him. The powerful psychic field Axel had conjured around himself deflected every attack that was thrown at him on top of disabling recalls.

The structures around them were slowly showing signs of crumbling, and fallen debris was sucked into the tiny black hole that was forming in Axel's palm.

"So the vision has come true, I see. Destroyed not by the hands of an enemy, but an ally," Olympia said as she looked at the Anistar Sundial, "I apologize for my tardiness."

"Olympia! Great timing!" Bonnie said, "Axel's out of control! At this rate—"

Olympia closed her eyes, "I see. I understand the situation." A Pokeball floated out of the psychic type gym leader's cape, sending out a Medicham, "Medicham will try to sense his aura and emotions then drag it out. A bond, or a link, has to be made then. The balance will then lead to neutralization."

Ash's Greninja nodded, volunteering to make the connection. Once Olympia's Medicham dragged out Axel's subconsciousness, Greninja concentrated, overlapping and matching its aura with Axel's. Greninja felt it. The boy's despair and his desperation to protect those around him.

It came face to face with Axel, or rather, a reflection of his emotions.

A whirlpool started to form around Ash's Greninja as the two started to connect.

Team Alpha Admin Teo wasn't ready to give up yet. Indeed, all of his comrades were down for the count due to the kid's Gardevoir's outlash. However, he still had a trick up his sleeve.


Despite losing its beloved pendulum, his Hypno still had access to its Psychic powers. Its eyes glowed blue as it reached out its arm. A Pokeball was pulled out from Luna's pocket.

"Pixie!" Luna tried to grab her Pokeball back but missed. Pixie's Pokeball landed in Teo's hand as he laughed triumphantly, pulling out a smoke bomb from his satchel.

Luna kept her cool and sent out her Gallade, Gardie. There was no way she was letting Teo go without a fight. She was determined to get her dear Pokemon back no matter the cost.

Gardie attacked Hypno with a Night Slash before it could react. But before the duo could press on, a condensed blast knocked everyone over. At the same moment, the smoke bomb Teo threw exploded, covering the area in smoke.

Chelsea, the Team Omega admin, sliced through her bindings with a pocket knife, freeing herself. Following the blast, the Anistar Sundial was partially damaged, leaving chunks of crystals lying on the ground. She quickly grabbed a few handfuls of the glowing pink shards. They felt warm in her palms, and she felt the powerful energy circulating within

Although things have deviated greatly from their original plan, this was better than nothing. Either way, she had successfully secured their objective. She activated her jetpack and flew off with the smokescreen as a cover, leaving her allies behind.

The mission is the priority. If those incompetent lackeys don't make it out, it's their problem. We need a sacrifice or two for success.

The smoke cleared out, and at the center was Ash Greninja, holding an unconscious Gardevoir in its arms. It had successfully stopped Axel's rampage. The giant water Shuriken on its back disappeared as it fell to the ground, barely catching itself.

Olympia noticed the Greninja's transformation. She was certain that she saw its glowing markings.

Did bond phenomenon just activate? Even though Axel isn't its trainer.

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