77. Anistar Sundial: Disortion

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Is Team Alpha's target me? In that case, what do they want from me? If it's information they want, what does Luna have to do with that?

Axel focused all his energy into his palm.

Either way, I can't let them use me to get Llade and Luna. If they end up getting hurt because of my carelessness...

No. I can't allow that.

And even if they do catch Llade instead, by the time 24 hours is up, I'll be swapped back into my body, and I'll have to deal with all that myself...

Damn it.

I'm so useless.

The ball of energy in his palm started to grow.

"Quash it," Teo ordered his Grumpig.

Luckily, Kace came to Axel's rescue with his Gengar, destroying the net in the process and freeing Axel. Kace grinned as his Gengar knocked the Grumpig back to its trainer, "How're you doing, damsel in distress?"

"Kace!" Axel staggered up, "I'm fine. But Llade and Luna, they're in trouble. And the Sundial—"

"You're talking too much and I don't understand a word you're saying," Kace waved Axel off with an obnoxious eyeroll, "Leave all that talk to Luna. I'll clean things up here, so head on to the Sundial, got it?"

Axel nodded, closing his eyes and picturing the Sundial in his mind. Kace stared at Axel for a good moment, unimpressed. Embarrassed by his failed attempt to use Teleport, Axel ran off towards his destination instead.

"Now," Kace glared at Teo, slamming his fist against his palm, "How do you guys wanna die? Mind telling me about your little schemes before I wipe y'all?"

"I'm not interested in anyone but the kid, so sorry, but we're done here," Teo answered, tossing a bomb like object at Kace. Kace's Gengar dashed up to it and hit it up into the air. Smoke blasted out from it, enveloping the whole area in thick smoke and knocking Kace back.

At the Anistar Sundial, Bonnie, Luna and Llade found themselves facing off against Team Omega. A row of grunts blocked their way as a tired looking admin sat on top of a drill behind them.

"Let's get this done quickly..." He complained, sighing as he met eyes with the female commander standing in the front lines, "why am I paired up with you again..."

She ignored that comment with a sly grin as she turned to the trio and Ash's Greninja, "so we meet again."

"Who are you again?" Llade blinked cluelessly.

"Don't you remember, dear? I was your opponent last time. How about a rematch?" She said, twirling her hair.

"Chelsea and Nixo," Bonnie recognized the two from the battle they had near Geosenge Town. Chelsea was Axel's opponent back then in the initial faceoff, while Nixo exchanged blows with Kace. Following the awakening of Yveltal, both fights were forced to a halt as both sides initiated a raid battle against the demon of death.

"Ding dong!" Chelsea snapped her fingers, "thanks for your help last time! Yveltal is in our good hands~"

Bonnie clenched her fists. Both sides tried to capture Yveltal at that time, which seemingly failed. However, it turned out that Team Omega had actually successfully made the capture before making their getaway.

"I see you somehow survived Yveltal's petrification. Marc should have got rid of you while he still could back then," she pointed at Llade, "Marc said you had this crazy strong Pokemon, so I'd like to get rid of you first."

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