89. Ambush

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Wulfric hadn't had a battle that was tipped that much in a challenger's favour for a long time.

I did send that kid off to Master, but for him to improve so much in under a month... it's crazy to think about that. He sat down on his icy throne, dialing Spenser, "Master, you've really went ahead and created one hell of a monster, you know."

Spenser simply laughed at his old pupil's comment, "Monster? Gwahaha! I didn't do much at all. All I did was drop some hints here and there to trigger his innate talent. Just a slight push was enough to greatly accelerate his growth."

"Kind of like a genius, you know," Wulfric answered, "kids these days are full of surprises, aren't they?"

"A natural born genius with an outstanding ability to understand, learn, apply, and replicate in a short amount of time," Spenser nodded, "In short, a fast learner with limitless potential. And that's on top of his brain and intellect."

Having taught a number of students in the past, Spenser was especially impressed by the boy's rate of improvement. Axel was one of the few— if not the fastest one to have completed the training. On the final day of his training, Axel even defeated him in a one on one battle— a hard feat to accomplish given Spenser's experience.

Such a guy is highly coveted everywhere. He has so many future opportunities opened up for him. Depending on what path he chooses, he could become one dangerous person.

And whoever can control this prodigy... will have all the power in their hands.

Luna thought she had everything under control. She was ready to fight back if anything, but this— this was a completely unexpected twist. Team Alpha had her at her wits end.

The two figures stood in the shadows as they watched Pixie unleash waves of attacks against its trainer.

I don't want to hurt Pixie, Luna hesitated as she had Poppie attempt to block every other attack. "This wasn't part of the deal!"

Rody smiled, "I did return you your Alolan Vulpix. I didn't break the deal."

"Well played, Rody," the other person walked closer to Luna, the dim moonlight lighting up his pale brown hair, "before things escalate, how's your life of freedom going, Luna?"

Luna recognized that voice everywhere. She stepped back, avoiding eye contact with the man, "Leave me alone, father. I'm not your obedient pet anymore."

He laughed, patting her on the head as she flinched slightly, "Pet? You're changed, Luna. Is it because of that kid? Maybe I should get rid of him for good."

"Get your hands off Axel," Luna warned, batting his hand away, "this has nothing to do with him."

"Oh yes it does. He's been getting in my way for so long. What I'm surprised about, however, is you joining the likes of him," her father answered, "I brought you to Kalos to advance with the next step of my plan— but he just had to step in and ruin everything."

Luna was starting to understand the gravity of the situation, "so this family vacation of yours was going to be a setup for me to help with your world destruction master plan?" She reached towards her pocket, "I'm sorry, father, but I won't be assisting you at all. I'll be the one who'll stop you."

"Destruction? No, we're not going to do anything like that. Team Alpha hopes to create a new world of balance, where people and Pokémon will coexist and share equal rights," he explained, snapping his fingers. Before Luna could send out another Pokémon, her father's Houndoom and Rody's Marowak had already surrounded her, threatening her with embers of fire.

Kalos Quest Vol 3: TrappedWhere stories live. Discover now