15 ... halft!me

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"FATE'S ON MY SIDE," A hand steadied Amira as she bumped into a side. Catching her purse from falling, she looked up at the side in the process. Her stomach caught butterflies when she recognized the familiar face. Her eyes lit up in surprise and her head shifted to the side in question. That was, until, she remembered who her team was getting ready to play against.

"Kaz, hi," She choked breathlessly, still catching her breath and trying to comprehend the situation that just happened in the locker room. Carter's kiss—his confessions, his candidness, was still no doubt and probably will be for a while, fresh in her mind. It was somehow easy for her to get over Cato's kiss and now she was ignoring the question floating in her head. Did she have feelings for Carter? Deep down...no, now was not the time for Carter and his candid actions.

Kaz was here now and he'd be the perfect person to distract her from it all, hopefully. "I'm sorry—I," Amira paused and brushed her hair away, exhaling softly.

"You okay?" He held her shoulders and bent his knees to match her height, looking her in the eyes. Amira chuckled and shook her head, sliding her bag over her shoulder. "Nah, I'm good, sorry," She took a moment to let the breeze cascade over her face. Carter really did a number. He left her frustratingly flustered and bothered. Looking around up at the loaded stands, Amira rolled her eyes and scoffed at the fans questioning the two standing side by side, wondering why they weren't barking at each other like wild animals instead.

She turned her back on them instead.

"Aren't you supposed to be on the other side of the field?" Amira crossed her arms, "I think my side wanna eat you alive—which don't underestimate, I saw a weird couple with fake fangs sucking on each other's neck the other day so...be careful," Kaz snorted a chuckle.

He looked at the bleachers in time for the booing to
start and shrugged, "They hate what they can't beat."

"Oh," She pretended to be taken aback and smirked.

"Someone confident they might win."

Kaz sucked his teeth, "Mm I think you pronounced will wrong sweetheart. We've won two games in a row."

"I would say I'm impressed but I don't care."

"Ouch," He rubbed circular motions around his heart.

"Eh, I have to admit that I think this game might get a little intense," He took a step closer. "Knight's pretty heated at me for talking to you. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he's cutting my breaks loose as we speak." Kaz chuckled at the thought and shook his head.

Amira rolled her eyes. "Carter has a fetish for thinking he can get who and whatever he wants just cause he's hot," She crossed her arms. Kaz hummed softly.

"You think he's hot?"

She looked up at him, "I wouldn't be the first."

"True but I was hoping you'd be into me sweetheart so that kinda stings coming from you about Knight."

Amira smiled playfully, piquing Kaz's interest more.

"Then what are you gonna do about it?"

"What I'm gonna do?" He stepped even closer hearing her heart beat out of her chest. "What I'm gonna do is..." Dragging his finger, her eyes followed the movement to the field beside them, "Win this game, and I get to take you out on a date. Tonight," He suggested but more as a confident guarantee. They were nearly standing chest to chest and Amira tried to hide her smile as she thought about the seeming bet. In reality, she wanted to cough out a bunch of yeses but knew she'd come off as desperate. She wanted to keep him on his toes.

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