Chapter 24

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"What happened, Hoseok? Why is he behaving like this?" Taehyung's mother was on the brink of collapsing right beside where her son was laying, sedated and unconscious on the hospital bed.

Hoseok looked from Mrs Kim to her husband. The wrinkles on Mr Kim's face were prominent, he never saw him defeated. He was barely holding himself while giving support to his wife.

Then his eyes travelled to Jungkook who was sitting on a stool beside Taehyung's bed. He was holding Taehyung's unconscious and unresponsive hand. The things Jungkook had to face at this young age.

"Mr Kim, I think his tumor is growing at an exponential rate. We might need to do the surgery sooner than we expected."

Jungkook jolted his head towards the doctor, "How soon?" He asked.
All the eyes in the room were fixed on Hoseok, "Probably tonight." He answered.

Mrs Kim got a hold on herself. Mr Kim is still holding her as if she will fall, "Then do it Hobi. I need to see my son healthy as soon as possible." She placed Hoseok's hand between her palms.

For a moment, the only sound that was filling the room was coming from the machines that were connected to Taehyung. No one spoke anything until Hoseok cleared his throat, his nervousness was clearly visible on his face. "The surgery will be a little risky."

He felt the grip of Mrs Kim's hands, tightened around him. "I'll try my best to save him." He looked at Taehyung, "But I'm not sure if his memory will come back.


Jungkook's eyes were fixed on the door of the operation theatre. Everybody was present in the hospital. From Taehyung and Jungkook's parents to his friends. No one was saying a word to each other.

Mr Kim was passing around the corridor, Jungkook's parents and Mrs Kim were sitting together. Namjoon and Jin were also curled up together, holding hands and giving each other strength.

Jimin and Yoongi were trying to ignore each other's presence as much as possible.
Until, Yoongi stood up from his chair and went to the corner where Jungkook was sitting alone.

"Here kook, at least drink some water." Jungkook didn't respond to him, his eyes still fixed on the door. Yoongi placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, trying to give him comfort. "Everything will be fine, kook."

He caressed the back of his head, "Your Taehyung will come out of the room, happy and healthy." The tears that Jungkook was controlling didn't want to be held back anymore. They escaped the rim of his eyes, "It's been three hours since the operation started." Eyes still fixed on that door.

"I know kook, but you'll see for yourself. Everything will be fine." Yoongi patted Jungkook's shoulder. The younger one turned on his phone to look at Taehyung's pictures.

"I wish we had more time to spend together, to get to know each other." Yoongi's eyes travelled from Jungkook to Jimin.

"We don't know it hyung, but life is just unpredictable." Yoongi's eyes were still fixed on Jimin who was sitting alone, looking down at the floor.

Jungkook turned off the phone and looked at Yoongi, who was still gazing at Jimin. "He'll remember me, right?"

Yoongi got out of his trance and turned his face towards Jungkook. "He will remember, don't worry." Jungkook hummed and nodded.

"Life really is unpredictable kook," Yoongi stood up from his seat.

"Yes hyung, we don't realise but we have finite time to spend with the one we love." He pointed towards Jimin, "You should probably go to him." Yoongi smiled and went to sit down beside Jimin.

When the clock hit 4 am, Hoseok and his team of doctor's came out of the OT. Everyone immediately gathered around him.

"Congratulations, the operation was a success. He is out of danger. We just need to wait for him to gain consciousness and then we'll see about his memory."


[A/N] not much angst 🤧
I don't like it .

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