"The End part 1"

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A/N: I am going to warn you this will be a long chapter at least over 4,000 words because I am putting all the rest of the story in this chapter. Also if I get something wrong with how it works I am sorry I don't have any experience with how birth works. I literally had to research this stuff.

I am gonna warn you for people who doesn't like the Ahem graphic parts of birth then just skip ahead. I will leave a part to where it is done.

Lily Pov:

Y/N: Summer! God No!

Tai: crap! She is bleeding from the inside! We have to remove the placenta or she could hemorrhage! Lily? Here use my scissors I brought for this to cut Regina's "Life line" Did you cut ruby's already?

Lily: Yeah I did.

Tai: What did you do it with?

Lily: Summer's scythe. It's the only thing I could find.

Tai: Ugh. Well at least you cut it. Wash off ruby with this water I have.

Lily: Sure, Yang can you hand me ruby?

Yang: Yeah! She is soooo cute! I want to cuddle her all day!!

Lily: You can do that after ok?

Yang's got all pouty.

Yang: But I want to spend all the time I want with her.

Lily: You can have all the time with her and me.

Yang: Okay but promise me that you will spend all the twime with me!

Lily: I will.

Y/N pov:

You hear Tai.

Tai: Got it! I got it out! How is she?!

Y/N: Well she is still passed out but her breathing is fine she doesn't look like she is sweating or anything. I think she is okay.

Tai: We still need to keep an eye on her. She could still be hurt and we could not know it. We just have to wait and see if condition gets better.

Y/N: Yeah....

Timeskip: 4 hours.....

Summer: Y-Y/N? Are.. you.. There?

Y/N: Your awake thank God! How are you doing?

Summer: I... Don't know.

Y/N: You don't know? What you mean? You are scaring me. Are you okay?!

You grabbed Summers hand.

Y/N: You feel warm. What's wrong?!

Summer: My.. eyes.. they are open.. but I can't see out of them.

Y/N: What? That shouldn't happen! How....

You turned to qrow who was holding the grimm looking baby. Regina.

Y/N: You don't think it was Regina do you?

Summer sat there in silence.

Then tears went down her face but she was still smiling.

Summer: I guess these are the things you have to sacrifice to be a mother. There has never been such a thing as a grimm baby huh?

Y/N: You shouldn't have to sacrifice anything! You-

Summer: Don't. They are our children now and we have to protect them. Even if I can't see.

Rwby: The Wilted Rose on The Radiant End.  Male Dragon Grimm Faunus xSummer roseWhere stories live. Discover now