Professor Student Series 3 - Ban Gayi Woh Humsafar

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"What was the need for that?" Madhu asks her father in a pissed whisper. "Has any of my teachers ever said anything good of me? And he is the worst! Always picking on me!"

"For a change, you were not running away from a teacher, so I thought maybe you were passing his papers." Malik replies equally pissed.

"He saw me and I couldn't hide then. And I was curious to find out what he was doing here." Madhu mutters.

"Can you stop embarrassing us and just concentrate on your studies?" Malik asks her in an angry whisper.

Madhu nods scared and disappointed.

Malik was starting to walk off, when Madhu quickly tells him, "Don't tell Mama that he is here. Even, she will go to talk to him."

"After what happened with me, she will be hiding from him." Malik mutters.

As her father walked away, Madhu muttered furiously, "how I hate him!!!"


A month later

Hearing the doorbell, Madhu turns to her sister, "Is it jeeju?"

"Don't think so." Dipali says as she walked to the door. She looks through the peephole and informs Madhu, "ah, it's your Professor."

"What?" Madhu shouts in shock as she jumps up. "Why did you invite him?"

"Relax. He is here to collect his parcel. Delivery guy dropped it here by mistake." Dipali tells her.

"Wait... wait... wait." Madhu says panicking as she chewed the chips she was eating and shoved the cover behind the cushion then she grabbed her college bag and pulled out her economics text and sits down on the sofa and acts engrossed in the book.

Dipali shakes her head and opens the door. "Hello, Rishabh."

"Hi, Dipali... How are you?"

They spoke for about a minute. "Come in, I'll just get your parcel."

Rishabh steps in and spots Madhu studying.

"Madhu, your professor is here." Dipali announces with laughter in her voice as she walks to the side table.

Madhu quickly looks up as she had no other option and seeing him, she politely stands up. "Good evening, Professor Kundra."

"Good evening, Madhu. What are you studying?" Rishabh asks her.


"That I can see. What topic?" Rishabh asks her.

"Erm..." Madhu's eyes widen, then quickly turns to her sister and says, "Di, you didn't offer Professor Kundra anything. I'll make juice."

"It's okay, I am leaving." Rishabh says and then he tells her. "You are not my first student, Madhu. But I am happy that at least to show, you are looking at your text."

Madhu tries to keep a serene expression on her face, though her eyes were brutally murdering Rishabh.

Cheekily, grinning, Dipali hands him the parcel.

"Thanks, Dipali."

As Dipali locks the door, she hears Madhu groaning in fury and the sound of a book hitting the wall.

"You do realize that, if you hadn't acted as if you were studying then he wouldn't have said anything." Dipali points out grinning.

"He would have said I shouldn't waste my time and study." Madhu mutters angrily. "I hate him! He is after my life. I will murder him one day!!!"

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