Chapter Twenty-six

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A couple of weeks of training in the gym has finally paid off in improving my strength and ability to defend myself in any fight against anyone else who was willing to take in a fight nonetheless, I think it would be better if I can find a shootin...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

A couple of weeks of training in the gym has finally paid off in improving my strength and ability to defend myself in any fight against anyone else who was willing to take in a fight nonetheless, I think it would be better if I can find a shooting range place for the practice of using a firing a handgun because I will do absolutely anything to be able to see my man because I know I hurts so much more to be farther away from him but he always has been putting my safety first no matter how much we miss each other every single day of our life.

I'm writing letters every so often that I can easily express my emotions on a piece of paper every single day to him by writing our code names for each other, and we do this for safety reasons to keep preventing anyone else from knowing our address including our names as I continued writing this letter to him, I didn't even know that my once unshed tears have started falling out of my eyes which has travelled down to paper even though I have no control over my tears drops silently falling onto the paper, therefore, I tried to wipe them away from my eyes as my hand are cramping from writing these letters to him in the pure agony of my beating heart that aches and pains only for him.

"Why is it so impossible to keep myself composed when writing a simple letter?" I whispered and yelled at myself.

Dear charming,

My life these last past few months or weeks have been extremely difficult when you are not around me to keep me motivated by being my number one supporter even if everyone else in the university was constantly asking of you whether or not you were going to come back home to lead our team to victory especially when it is your job as the football team captain to guide our team to victory.
go Saints!

Even for me, that was really cringe-worthy of course and I bet when you are reading this letter you will soon be able to agree with me on this as I could probably picture it now; you sitting down on your chair near your desk chuckling the deep stomach laugh along with a smile cranks upon your face.

Anyway, I have been counting down the days when you will be able to return after all this madness. We need to celebrate our wonderful life and I have gotten a surprise for you when you come back home.

I forgot to mention that my friends and I are taking self-defence classes too.

I miss you so much as the sun would died in order to let the moon to shine in everyday life.

Love ,

Your dove.

"What's up, but before you start to say the ceilingI want a more detailed answer?" asked Penelope sadly, sigh to me.

Penelope know me too well as to understand that I would have responded to her when I get upset about something I would usually say nothing much or the ceiling to avert talking more about my problems regarding how much I love her older brother that I thought of him every day of my life also I have stopped playing the piano since it was the first memory I have of him and me sung a song as we both played on my piano was such a lovely memory in the back of my mind, furthermore, I felt that I keep getting lost in the melody as our story was never told us even if we were both miserable being apart from each other, but we were doing this for a good cause too.

I bet my heart on us (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ