Chapter twenty

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A week after weeks of doing everything single item on our pact lists, we simply went back to University maintaining our distances from each other by walking in opposite directions to prevent the people who were attempting to attack him in any minu...

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A week after weeks of doing everything single item on our pact lists, we simply went back to University maintaining our distances from each other by walking in opposite directions to prevent the people who were attempting to attack him in any minutes of the day so that they wouldn't go after me for my safety and I would be safe when being surrounded by the people who I know out in particular in public areas on and off-campus.

Sadly, I missed spending every single minute of my day with him not wanting our week pacts to come to an end even if there was one last activity on the list to do which was teaching me to drive in a car again except for the fact that I was fearing for my life when getting inside one of them, but I did attempt to sit down in a car for five seconds remaining until it seems too much of me to achieve more than a few seconds in a car.

"Are you sure that you are going to be okay because lately, you seem more distracted by the fact that you only lasted about five seconds in a car?" asked Penelope, being the very concerned and good best friend that she can be to me.

My entire emotions were all over the place at the moment, I thought I was on my period since I was having trouble handling my mood swings and not necessarily feeling hungry which I usually would be as I was throwing myself into my assignment to plan everything from the food to the budget for the wedding was my chosen event for my culinary arts and management work to distract myself from wanting to check up on him every single day because I was freaked out of my mind being nervous while anxiously waiting for him to call me.

Sometimes, I often wonder if they have been caught by the police, however, I was not sure of what was happening in this case, I trust him when he promise me that everything would be alright even though we could never be too certain of the latest lead on this investigation case was since he was working on this with the police being an informants to them.

"To be honest with you, I don't think I will ever be able to overcome my fears of the unknown or being able to last more than a second in a car even when I feel like everything else is falling apart from me" I ranted to Penelope.

Me and my best friend of mine, Penelope was walking through the corridor together heading to the room of our journalism club to work on a regular article related to our university football team game which was coming up in a couple of weeks, therefore, we are both in charge of writing and editing this paper since being fake dating or being related to our university football team captain makes you get VIP Tickets in front row seats to watch the football match, furthermore, I think everyone else in this room was asking me a question about whether or not he was going to return to on-campus for the match.

At this point, I don't even know where he was especially when I haven't seen any other sights of him in more than two weeks ago, I had to put on a brave enough face for his sister, my best friend and reassure everyone else in this university that he will return just in time for the football match to lead his team on to victory, afterwards we bump into Melissa on the field as I was hoping to blend into the crowd for her not to see me.

I bet my heart on us (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt