Chapter five

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She appeared to be incredibly stunning in her classy yet edgy style outfit dancing around the centre of the party with another boy who was not me not to mention that this was a grade player and sleazy bag after all the Jake reputation does precede...

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She appeared to be incredibly stunning in her classy yet edgy style outfit dancing around the centre of the party with another boy who was not me not to mention that this was a grade player and sleazy bag after all the Jake reputation does precede him for being one of the jockeys who does sleep around half of the girls in our university except for my sister, her friends and my beautiful childhood sweetheart Lana.

Fifteen minutes she was dancing with the idiot before she decided to go to the bathroom following after her to ensure no creep was waiting for her or lurking outside of the door when I heard some boys were mucking around talking about how one of those boys who had a dance with was going to hand her over a spiked drink. I could not let anything else like that ever happen to her because she would be a shame in school as well as her name will go on the book filled with tons of girls names ranking them one by one and I was determined to stop them from going along with their plans too.

"Jake, what the heck is wrong with you and no you do not know that question because I already know that you must be sick in the head to do all of that to vulnerable girls?" I enraged Jake.

There was a pause of silence in the room as everyone else in the room went quiet at my anger was the raging storms since there was no holding back now as I saw his sick smirk on his face and then I let a punch loose on him fighting for her integrity not stopping to my punches whilst my sister walk into the room left stunned by the scene right in front of her eyes understood what was going on in here causing her to shake her head at Jake too. Learning that he was back to his drugging girls for the second time around again for his own personal benefits.

My sister Penelope gasped at Jackson in horror for spotting a bag of powerful substances In his hands accordingly she slaps him across the face really hard that I was even sure I could have heard the connection she made with her hand meeting his face also I could not stop laughing at the reaction on his face when my sister did hit him across the face.

"Dude what is up with your crazy sister and you?" Asked Jake.

Suddenly calling my friends over to determine whether or not I should have even bothered with this dirty bag but then I realised that she left the bathroom walking down the stairs as I asked my friends to take care of this situation including giving him a firm warning to stay away from my girlfriend even though it just slipped out of my mouth knowing that she does not know about me calling her my girlfriend to other people.

Punching his face one more time with my fists meeting his face to teach him a lesson to never lay a hand on a girl or to spike girls drinks in his life again.

"Don't you ever call my sister crazy or touch my girlfriend again and you will be more than just being benched for the whole season too" I warned Jake.

This room was crowded of people watching on my fights against this piece of trash not even caring if my knuckles were getting bloody for repeatedly punching him as he tried to punch me back whilst making slyly rude remarks about both of the girls which resulted in me having a go at Jake for his lack of disrespect towards any female figure that he sees in his life and therefore I acted out in violence knowing that I will soon have to explain the aftermath of the fight to coach tomorrow morning, however, it was not my fault this guy completely ticked me off twenty-four seven.

Furthermore, I let penny my sister go look after her friends to prevent anything else from happening to both of them fighting the urge to make his face look so unrecognised for the entire year to teach him more of a lesson than he was learning tonight.

Jake laughed at me "is that a warning or a threat?" asked Jake.

Promptly takings long strides to get close enough to his face just inches away to make him feel afraid of what I would do to him next nonetheless I heard my sister calling my name and I quickly rushed over to my sister and her best friend after I turned my back to face Jake to make sure he knew it was not a warning.

Clearing my throat, and said " it is not a warning but a threat even though you are in luck today since I got bigger fish to fry than talking to the like of you" I walked away from the kitchen into the main entrance of the house lifted her over my shoulder to carry her out of the house against her will.

"I know that you want her to remember the last time you spent together before she left to go to New Zealand henceforth, storming off with her on your shoulder like a caveman won't help your case either" my sister Penelope explained to me.

A part of me instantly know that my sister was right regarding mentioning all of this to make me realise that I should just exactly explain why I decided to make us leave the party earlier than usual even if it means telling her what was going to happen to her if I did not intervene in the situation beforehand then stuff would get a whole lot worse than it already is.

How do I exactly explain to her why the heck her first party back here sucks so badly?

Other than that, I will wait for her memories to get back to her as well as her mental health to improve more before I take a chance on her by asking her to be my girlfriend even when I still certainly had to ask her to be my fake girlfriend so nobody else can take advantage her or touched my girl.

"I will eventually explain everything else to her when she has gotten better because I do not think that she was in the right place in her mind now," I said sadly to my sister Penelope.

Sometimes, I think it would have benefited the two of us if we get to know each other more than we already do by starting off with being friends knowing that I waiting years for her to notice me like the way I did notice her hanging on to every single word that she says to me and listening to her adorable little giggle which sounds so angelic to me.

Patience is a virtue I keep reminding myself maybe making some sort of deal with her to keep Melissa off my back and I would warn off any other boys who keep pestering her to go on dates with them, including making all the other girls in uni jealous of her by being the most popular and hottest couple in there. It's a great plan for both of us to do.

"Know it would be highly unlikely for me to say this, but for what it is worth you guys would make a great couple and also if you ever dare hurt then I would not hesitate to smash your most prized possession" my sister Penelope threatened to me.

"Ugh, why do you have to take us out of the party so early and then place me over your shoulders for no -?" she asked me irritatingly to throw hands up in the air as she hit her thigh once she lowered them.

I  slightly interrupted her.

Not wanting to her reality of what happened back there worries about she might view me as I monster or freak out by my bloody knuckles moreover the truth will set me free too and then I  was sighing running my hand through my hair whilst the other hand was on the driving because we are stopping at a red traffic light waiting for it to turn green light.

I gave her a sad smile and said "I had my reasons for what I did and why I do them, but I do not think it would be a good idea for us to have this conversation whilst I was driving on the road".

Protecting her was one of my priorities to ensure that she was safe when she was always in my arms to embrace all of her glory as I know she had a rough breakup with one heck of a douchebag nonetheless, I think he doesn't know how to keep a woman like her which leads me to believe that they were never good together anyway, so I think I might have to visit him sometime soon as I can be able to locate his address to warn him to never go near her again.

I would walk through fire for her, but she still wouldn't see as anything other than her best friend older brother as such as it painstakingly hurts me because there will always be a hole in my heart for her to fill me up with an abundance of delightful emotional moreover, I should probably go get the recipe from both of our mum to buy or even make her favourite dessert too.

My Bambie is my hope of getting myself back together again after the scandal of someone in my team trying to snitch me up last year and I guess this must be my second chance to make things right this year.

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