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C H A P T E R - T H I R T Y T W O

"My room is boring to be stand by." You rolled your eyes and layed flat on your bed, more like hugging the mattress.

Yin rose up from the sofa and layed beside you, but she was facing the ceiling not the bed.

"Y/N." She called out your name in a tired voice, she let out a sigh and closed her eyes shut.

"Yeah?" You replied with a muffled voice. Yin's chest rose up and down as she sat up. "What are your thoughts about the systematic oppression faced by women in the work place?"


"Whot kond of qoston os thot (* what kind of question is that*)?" You laughed.

"Pscht. Just answer, i'm bored." She layed down again and this time, it's your turn to sat up and crossed your legs.

"I'm worried of that women." You chuckled, unsure of your answers. "Nahh. It's not that necessary to answer. It just popped out in my mind and tried to pass that question on you." She pressed her lips into a thin line.

You turned your head at her and realize how poetric she is right now. "Oh, okay." You impressed.

"Anyways-" she sat up beside you. You glanced at her as she suddenly removed your spectacles. "Yah! Zhou Yin!", She smirked and placed in behind her so you can't reach it anymore.

"I think on something wonderful!!"

Her eyes sparkles as you rolled yours. "Here we go again, Yin.. what are you tryna do?" You asked unsatisfied.

"You'll see sweetheart."


"Just close your eyes!!"


"Just like that!"

"I asked why?"


"Alright." You sighed and closed your eyes in anticipation. There until you felt brush on your cheek. "YIN...ARE YOU RUINING MY FACE?!"

"No, i'm not ...." She smirked.

"Yin,..i'm warning you. If ever--" "stop complaining there! You forgot? You have a date with Yoshi tonight." She chuckles.


"Hey!! Bold of you to assume Yoshi as a jerk. He isn't that kind of guy, Y/N. Actually, me and Yoshi are classmates in highschool.." your eyes suddenly go round as she immediately closed it.

"...and...I can guarantee that he isn't that type of guy who just dump girls away after having goo--" "Yeah yeah, I know." You sighed.

"But, I never agreed to that date." You stomped your feet.

"You are too lucky to have Yoshinori in your life, Y/N. I swear you would be the best and happiest girl when you two got together someday." She smiled.

"I'm not lying this time." She raised her right hand but you were closing your eyes and the color you only see on your vision right now is black.

"So you mean you are lying the whole time?"

"HEY! It's not like that. It's just that i'm serious about describing Yoshi. He was a great friend of Yan and I. I swear." She smiled as she opened her lipstick's cap and it made a loud opening noise.

In this state, you were in the middle of believing Yin and just letting her words pass by from your ears.

Words cannot describe how malfunctioned you are right now.

"I would rather swim in the ocean than to have a date with that cree--"

Yin poked your cheek before you could even finish your words. "How dare you to cut my sentence." You glared, but it was hilarious enough for Yin to burst out into laughter.

"Nothing's funny sweetie.." you added.

"I'm serious, Y/N can't you see it? I'm doing this for your own sake!" She pouted. "Wether if he's a jerk or not, fine, I'll do it. And your doing it for my own sake." You rolled your eyes ironically. Welp, you can't help but to thank this girl afterwards.

She loves you and you know that.

"Awe! Thank you!" She engulfed you inher warm embrace and kissed your neck. "WHAT THE FUCK YIN I DID NOT INFORMED YOU WERE TURNING INTO A LESBAIN!!" You exclaimed.

You wonder why this girl haven't getting a boy, yet she was hella romantic than you think.

"Anyways! Good luck!" She smiled to ears where you can see her dimples. "Whatever. Bye." You got your bag which was ready by her and you opened your door. "Thank you for your kind consideration." You winked flirtatiously.

"What the fuck Y/N?!" She cupped her mouth.

"Pscht." You smirked slyly and got outside. "Hey! Take care!" She opened the sliding window and yelled at you.

You only glanced at her.

"nevermind", it escalated so fast, like you were now already in front of Yoshi, who waited for your lazy ass for minutes. good thing, he has high patience, for you, yeah, only for you.

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Hello goiz!

have a good day ahead:>

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