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"Sir, here's my fee, thank you" Jolina went out of the cab and paid the driver. You sighed as you eyed the driver happily accept the money Jolina gave him. As he closed the window. "Bye cheesecake!" She bid a goodbye to you.

Ain't this girl got bored for changing and calling me different weird ass names all the time? Phew~

"Bye!" You called back as the driver let the window open. She immediately went outside as you guys drove away. Your house was far from Jolina's so it takes 30 minutes to arrive there. That's why you  really need someone to drive you to school and Jolina's, or you'll take a bus ride, anyways, there was 5 bus stops near your village so- no worries.

Minutes later, you safely arrived. "Here's mine sir, thank you" You thanked the driver, he nodded and you opened the door, but before you stepped outside, you took a frustrating sighed and gulped.

You stepped outside and closed the door, as the cab drove away.

Calm down Y/N you can do it!

You started to walk but slowly and nervously towards the main golden gate. I mean you guys are rich tho- but you hid your identities or it will burden you all the time. Then, for other reasons, you don't like students of your public school, especially the boys, either junior or senior, to storm in your class and spy you whenever, and wherever you are. You hate the fact that you are rich, and had an elegant face. Your aunt Wendy called you Goddess from Heaven. Bruhh- and you hate to hear that, even if it's from your own parents.

You Mom was always like that, strict for you, she hates you have boyfriend or even guy bestfriend, except if it's gay, tomboy or girl. You don't know why she keeps you safe and always tells you to avoid and beware of guys, duhh- she's so negative minded. Well, she never ever let you drink or eat any unhealthy foods, like corndogs or whatsover, let me count, all of your foods from your room's refrigerator was fruits, healthy juices,safe bottle of water and plain rice. That's all, nothing less, nothing more. But for you, you are not and never getting bored to it.

She hated seeing you playing your phone not taking a glance at your book, well your room was full of books, most of it was about maths, as usual. You have 3 eyeglasses, the one got missing and the other one was broken, because you accidentally broke it before, and that cause your Mom became more strict than before. She said and reminds you that she will never buy you one more eyeglasses once you destroy the one you are currently using. You cannot disobey her, she was your only Mom tho, right?

Well your dad was abroad and lived with his 2nd wife, he left your mom without saying or giving letter that he will be gone in a while, but seems like the so said 'while' was meant forever for him. Cheater midget vulgar. That's why you really hate his existence, well if he gonna do the thing anyway, she shouldn't have married your  Mom and be single instead or be with his another wife, well it's not his real wife as-in married they are married  tho but it's still the same. You don't give a shit to your dad, since you knew the reason. He was not meant to be your dad and to be your mom's husband, right?

You sighed and opens the gate. You went inside, and closed it immediately.


"Where have you been Y/N honey, hmm?" Well she sounds so sweet but deep inside in her mind she was imagining something insane for you.

"I- I... Uhm-... I- I'm just went to the library and- umm I-" Shit why did you stutter?! Ugh!

You looked up and eyeing your Mom, her smile was slowly fading. You attempted to avoid her killer stare.

"I know you are .... Lying..." She monotonously replied, your eyes quickly spotted a mini calculator she grasped as she smirked.

"Honestly Mom, I was going out with J-jolina!" You stuttered again, and scratched your nape.

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