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"L/N Y/N has to transfer into GOVA highschool so that she can have better experience as a top student,there"  Jolina read the note while crossing her eyebrow.

"Eh? Am I gonna apply there? No way, is this a joke?" You asked while scratching your head.

No way you gonna apply there. If you'd do, you'll leave your bestfriend here and the school you studied for 4 years,  you are still grade 10, and you'll apply for another school just for the sake of your studies? No.

But this offer was from the Head Department Mr. Lee would you disobey it just because of your whims? No.

But, if you're Mom find this out, she will be happy finally here daughter apply on the Well Known school. You like it when your mom was happy about you.

"Do this notice look like joking?" Jolina chuckled but stopped right away.

"You'll go there Y/N?" Jolina asked, sadness can be shown in her voice.

"If, that's Mr. Choi's order, then...yes" You said with a smile but deep inside, not sure, what will happen in the future.

You are half excited half not.

Half happy half sad.

"You perhaps...like to be separated with me?" Jolina frowns and crossing her brows.

"No! I don't, you know that! I'm just ...you know not all students here likes me and my existence as their so-called Brain Queen. Honestly I hate to be called Brain Queen, cause it does made me feel like students are this school aren't fair, I mean...look, out of many geniuses there, why me? Why it must be me, I got so many attention. I want us to be fair, not that Queen or King or whatsover. I wish I'm only an ordinary student here, not extra." You spitted all of the hidden words you his for so many years.

"And, I was side happy that I will be out of this school now. It would be really fun without me. Without the girl who the Teachers rely on." You said and run your fingers through your hair.

"What time you would go tho?" Jolina asked, you turned your head at the bulletin board and read it.



You shrugged your shoulders and pouted. "There's no extra time you can have the last moments with me? Us? To our classmates? In this school?" She asked and scratched her head.

"Maybe...? I don't know" You replied and pouted again.

"How about you'll ask Mrs.Choi to have some extra time, you know" Jolina suggests.

"But please, keep us on touch okay? Don't leave me hanging on the phone like always. Don't ever forget me" Jolina said and fake cried.

You chuckled at her cuteness and spoke. "Noted."

Jolina's eyes widened as smiled "Promise?"

"You look like a lost puppy, but...Promise" You smiled and sighed.

Jolina nodded and hugged you ever so tightly like there's no more tomorrow or later.

Doubts build upon you and it made your hope go down as well as the thought of you being separated into this school.

All the good memories you made with them is always be in your heart and mind but...still.

"O-okay, you can wait me there"You pointed to your third class, and Jolina nodded.

You two have opposite ways, you on the right she was on the left.

You knocked at the office of Mrs. Choi, the President of this school.

rosy cheeks || k.yoshinoriOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora