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C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y T W O

"But it still have some light rain drops.." You worryingly mumbled at yourself while searching for your umbrella inside your bag. But you can't find the thing as you huffed and pouted. "I even forgot to bring my umbrella with me aish! Stupid!"

You hit your own head and just sling back your bag into your shoulders as you took a deep breath. You were about to run in the rain but when Yoshi held your collar.

Why does it have to be my collar?!

You gasped as he stood you there beside him as he cooly brought his umbrella and opened it up. "Let's share this. Or else you'll walk in the rain in the middle of the night and it have high chances for you to be sick. You want it to?" He asked you as you shook your head few times.

"Alright. So let's share this together." He said and getting ready as he sling his bag on his shoulders. You were about to complain but when he spoke, "Don't complain and a stubborn this time, it's necessary." Yoshi mumbled glancing at you before dragging you with him as you two walked.

The walk was silent as you bit your bottom lip. You turned your head to your side to lessen the awkward silence. You saw some of the students there too still on the school, studying. It's a relief that you two aren't the only ones who's still stuck at the campus.

You huffed and averted your gaze to the pathway in front of you were you two are walking. Yoshi glanced at you through his shoulder, "You fine?" His voice was mesmerising for you as you immediately nodded your head.

"Good." He replied.

"Yoshi, I just want to ask you something." You carefully said pressing your lips together, scared if he'd be angry at you. "Hmm." He hummed in response as you took a deep breath before speaking, "Do you hate me?... It's okay if you don't want to tell me but...I want to know otherwise." You said as your heart is accelerating just now.

"What made you think in that way?" He asked you as you stuttered, "I- I... I it's just, I just want to know though. Your actions confused me a lot. Sometimes you treat me in a bad way but some times not. You are caring yet harsh." You giggled as your heart thudded louder and faster.

"No, I don't hate you..." He mumbled as your eyes lit up I satisfaction. "R-really?! Then why are you acting like you does so?" You frowned and waited for his answers. But instead, you felt something warm on your cold hands as your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed into crimson red.

"You asking too many questions...let's just stay silent, can we?" He asked as you felt butterflies in your stomach for the first time of your whole 16 years of existence. Your heart thudded louder and faster than earlier as you felt his hand is holding yours tightly.

"Why are you holding my han--" You immediately stopped midway as you saw him glaring at you and you stopped and pressed your lips together into a thin line. "Sorry." You apologized and stayed silent.

"Your hand is so cold. Are you alright?" He asked you concern is evident through his tone. You glanced at him as saw how his eyes sparkles. "Yeah. I'm fine. It's just too cold. That's why." You giggled at him.

He stopped at his tracks as he spoke, "Hold my umbrella for seconds, please." He said as you obeyed him. He started to take off his blazer but you stopped him, "Yah, you don't have to." "And what if you'd get a cold?  You want it?" He asked you.

"But what about you?"

"I'm rich enough to buy medicines for my own good." He spat as you got shut up from his words. Yeah, he was caring but yet can insult you at the same time. Phew. "Yeah,you are indeed rich." Your lips formed a small smile at him as he pulled your closer to him and he covers your shoulders with his warm blazer.

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