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                C H A P T E R - E L E V E N

It's now lunchtime so all students will go to the canteen to have their lunch. You and Yangyang were heading to the black cafeteria when an idea popped in your head.

"What if we'll have a lunch in the School's Fountain instead? Let's change our everyday destination this time!" You excitedly asked Yangyang about it. He malfunctioned for seconds before hesitantly nodded his head.

"Okay. If that what you want." Yangyang walked ahead towards. You ran after him and happily walked beside.

Minutes later of walking you two made it to the Fountain. Yangyang was the one who opened the gate as you two walked inside. You both were about to sit when Yangyang said that he need to pee. So you are the one left behind.

When Yangyang was out for minutes a guy came to you. "Hey Y/N...? Here's your phone. Asahi-hyung told me to give this back to you. He is sorry for his unusual doings." You turned around and saw Junghwan behind you standing with a tray of food?

You were about to speak but he was fast, "He is finding you and was about to apologize when he can't see you to you guys' cafeteria. So he just asked me some favors...and...don't worry! He did not delete some files or do anything to your phone more than staring at your lockscreen wallpaper." Junghwan chuckled. "My Hyung never did this to other girls. You must be something important to him." He scratched the back of his neck.

Asahi never chase girls before. He never took their phone or their important things with him and keep it for more than 1 hour unless if that someone is special for him.

Asahi never stare at any girls for more than a minute before. He never bump to any women, and if he does he will not do any eye contact.

Asahi never fall for a girl before, if he does then that girl is lucky.

"Okay...? Thank you Junghwan." You shortly replied. "No problem. And, can I eat with you guys? I bumped to Yangyang lately and asked him the same thing and he approved." Junghwan asked you.

"Sure!" You pointed some seat across you as he nodded his head. "Actually... I don't know why my brothers are acting weird these passed days. Even now! Today- they are really weird." Junghwan pouted as he sipped his water.

"Maybe they are just busy." You let out of your opinions. Yangyang shouted from behind,"I'm here!" Yangyang sat on a seat and started to eat like he was longing it for decades.

"Calm down Yang!" You scolded him from eating fastly. "I'm too hungry!" Yangyang cannot speak well because his mouth is full.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full." You scolded him again. Yangyang rolled his eyes and just continue eating. "Blah blah blah." Yangyang mocked your voice.

"Tss." You just went back to your food and continue conversing with Junghwan. "I thought Treasure never converse to random students before..." Yangyang glanced at Junghwan.

Junghwan shook his head means 'no'.

"Nah, not all of us are like that. Maybe those introverted members. But once you'll get closer to us, we'll entertain you anytime." Junghwan replied. "Okay." You and Yangyang said in unison.

You were walking to your another class, when someone's hand touched your head. You got frightened and turned. "H-huh?"

Yedam hummed in response." Hmm?" He asked you while walking with you, shoving his hands on his pockets. "Nothing. I just want to walk with you." Yedam glanced at you before his gaze went back to the pathway.

"Ah, okay." You replied while fixing lightly your glasses. "Anyways, how have you been lately?" Yedam asked you while side glancing over his shoulders. "Fine." You lied.

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