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C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y O N E


"Why does my blazer is torn off? Even has some rip holes on it." He sternly asked you while gripping tightly the cloth with his hands, raising it to your sight as you got taken aback. "Uh...What do you m-mean Yoshi-ah?" You stuttered as he took a step forwards for you to step backwards.

""What do you m-mean Yoshi-ah", of course I would be distraught! You think it was just a joke for me to see my precious things got ripped off?? It's an unpleasant sight and I want you to fix it!" He snapped at you before harshly took your hands and made you hold it in front of everyone.

Students laughed at how Yoshi treated you so badly early in the morning. Why does he changed so fast? Like he was a sweet guy before but now he was like an evil Yoshi. You gulped and saw on your peripherals that students starts to whisper.

You cleared your throat, "Y-yeah. Don't worry 'cause I'll fix it later if I have a some free time."  You tried so hard not to stutter but sadly you did. "Tch. You are only causing troubles." He said making you widen your eyes.

M-me causing troubles? Um- Is it supposed to be you because you are leading students to hate me just because you does the same..?

You snapped out in reality and bowed at him 90 degrees.  "I'm sorry.." you apologize.

"Did she just bowed on him?"

"It's my very first time seeing a girl bowing on him in 90 degrees."

You got embarrassed afterwards and felt like you want to burry your own self 5 meters on the ground and never some back anymore."Did you just bowed on me?" Yoshi asked trying hard not to let out a chuckle or else his pride would step down.

You titles your head at him, "As a...as a...as a respect!" With that last sentences you run away leaving him dumbfounded and processing. He realised what he was doing and immediately snapped back on reality.


You panted and placed a hand on your chest while bending down a bit to reach your knee. "That escalated too fast. But it's an odd to think that he just let me bow on him without scolding me or raising his voice for bowing in public!." You told to yourself.

You glanced at his cloth as you were still holding on it. "You! The owner of this shirt should be greeted back by karma! " You mentally cursed and punched the cloth. "I don't care if I look like a crazy person now if I'm punching a non living thing but why couldn't I care less? Of course I hate the owner!" You yelled.

You were about to throw a punch on the cloth again but when a hand placed on your  hair, making your heart skip a beat before turning your head to that person. "I see. You never can't handle leaving his blazer." Doyoung bitterly smiled as you immediately hid his blazer on your back.

Blinking your eyes while never breaking the eye contact with his ones. "You heard it all? Didn't you?" You rounded your eyes as he puts his fore finger on his chin. "Hmmmm..what if I say...yes?" He teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"No, you didn't." You protested, shaking your head.

Please please just admit that you did not heard anything of else I should call it the most embarassing moment in my entire life ..

"Yes, I did." He giggled ruffling your hair in the same time as you got flustered. "You're blushing, uh?" "No, I'm not. It's just the weather. You know it's summer." You placed your hands into your hips only for him to giggle.

"Nothing is funny idiot!"

You fired at him as he only pinched your cheeks. Istg Doyoung is the most affectionate and passionate of all of them in this story. You slapped his hands away as he hissed in pain. "You-- you always chose violence! An innocent looking nerd but prefers to chose violence than peace." Doyoung whined as you glare at him.

rosy cheeks || k.yoshinoriOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora