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                C H A P T E R - S E V E N

After Yoshi took you home. You were currently at your terrace to have some fresh air from continuous studying recently.

It was now midnight and you are not feeling sleepy. Or even a slightest sleeping tips can help you to doze off.

You were star gazing while humming some songs, you were currently playing Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift.

That was one of your favourite songs. You shoved back your earphones and listened to it.

Your instincts told you that this song fits at funerals. It's indeed.

Your phone suddenly ring, someone called you, in the midst of your self-time.

You sighed as you just grabbed it out of your jacket's pocket and saw the phone caller ID.

Your Mom.

You immediately answered it before she rants at you. You spoke, "Mom?"

"I thought you were now sleeping?"

Thinking of me sleeping now why does have the confidence to call me?

You silently scoffs as you answered her, " I felt like not sleeping yet" You huffed. "Hows school?"

Of course, as usual, she never forget her words. "Good" you responded. You heard some noise like bed shifting, she may be walking out of her room now. "Good? Just good? Does anything happened?" She asks.

"Nothing happened, Mom. And, I felt comfortable here, I made a friend tho" You giggles. Her expression may be mad now.

"Friend? Does that friend of yours trustworthy? Is it a he or a she?" She asks you. You smiled as you answers her. "It is a he, the name is Liu Yangyang, Chinese, but no I don't think he's a full Chinese, he's half German. He is a smart kid, don't worry Mom. He's a good friend" You smiled at yourself. "Good friend, ass. Make sure he'll last longer, okay?"

"Longer? Why longer? Jolina and I are still kept in touched though" You pouted. "You guys still kept in touch?" Your Mom asks you. "Mmm" you hummed in response.

You gripped the hem of your shorts and your Mom asks you, " You met Bae Ji young, didn't you?" Your Mom suddenly asked you about him.

"Yes? Why?" You asked her.

You felt odd...

"Nothing" She suddenly hanged up. Making you call her name numerous times.

It felt odd... She suddenly asked about you meeting him,the school's principal.


The whole reason why Yoshi took you home and followed you like a good ninja. Mashiho told his members that Sunghoon's new target was the new girl of this school, the name is Y/N L/N.

A part of geniuses. If it weren't because of Mashiho and Jaehyuk suspecting Sunghoon planned something insane for you, there would be another dead body on the spot.

So thanks to them.


You were now in your first class, writing down some notes and waiting for your classmate's and Teacher to come, so that the class shall start.

You hummed some songs and minding your own business. You wrote the formulas you had yesterday, and taking some notes.

Then you remembered that Jaehyuk--


You are still not done with his insanity. But, you find him weird from his actions lately, he keep glancing at you and to check you anywhere, everywhere.

rosy cheeks || k.yoshinoriOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz