22. The Choice

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Weeks had passed since Grandma Viva's memorial.

And with that, my 25th birthday was soon approaching, but I kept to myself while encouraging the others not to bother with my birthday celebration as it didn't feel right or welcomed. Unfortunately, Mother strongly insisted, stating this birthday, in particular, was of utmost importance. I didn't understand why, and even stranger, when I tried to tell mother what I may want as a gift, she brushed me off and nervously shuffled away. Something has her on edge. These days, she'll look at me as though she has something to say, but soon give up saying it.

Frustrated with her stares, I finally confronted her.

"Mother, is there something wrong? You keep staring at me."

"I-um, no...", she nervously fidgeted, "I'm just glad you've grown up so well. I sent out the invitations, so many people will be coming to your party, you must look your best..."

She gave an unsure smile and began to walk away, but then Grandma El appeared. They stared at each other in silence but spoke with their eyes. Mother suddenly looked down in shame.

"Rest and wake early. There's something we must discuss before your birth hour", Mother swallowed heavily.

"But that's so early!", I groaned.

I was born in the morning, but I am far from a morning person. Mother ignored my complaint and scurried away. Grandmother huffed in anger and banged her cane heavily on the floor as she walked away.

"What's gotten into them?", I thought.

"I don't know, Mama, but tomorrow's cake day!", Kopal exclaimed.

"Cake day? No tomorrow's my birthday"

"But there's so much cake downstairs and Shimo said we can only eat it tomorrow!"

I placed my face into my hands, "Did you try to eat the cake in the kitchen, Koko?"



"Just a tiny bit"

I sighed, "That's for the party tomorrow, so you have to wait, and... Can dragons eat chocolate?"

"I'm not a dog, Mama!", she stuck out her tongue.

Thinking about it, I nodded. Though her behavior is like a hyper dog, she is indeed not one. Even more so, she has grown quite a bit and has become difficult to pick up. Thankfully, Kopal can fly and hide, so no one will see her tomorrow even if she's stealing cake from the dining table.

Solemnly, I looked at her, then at my grandma's urn, "Let's get cleaned up and ready for bed, Koko", I sighed.

After Kopal's splashing disaster in the washroom, we settled down for the night.

Morning came sooner than I had hoped. I awoke on my 25th birthday to a strange woman sitting on my bed. She was pale with flowing white hair and wearing a white off-the-shoulder robe over a red one. She was gorgeously frightening.

"Ah, um... Can-can I help you?", I tried to ask.

"Ohh, certainly you can", she cooed, "Jylan Aniceta, age 25. Your deeds amount to 33,672. Not bad, almost impressive, despite your reluctance of course", she smiled while bringing a long pipe to her bright red lips, "Here, on your 25th birthday, I bring you a gift."

I stared at her in shock, trying to comprehend what was happening. Is she a demon? How did she get in without setting off the bells? Suddenly, she tilted her head, her grin widening to reveal glistening white fangs. A vampire?

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