12. The Valsa

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"That's it?", I asked, wondering why we had to make such a journey if she wasn't looking to be rescued

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"That's it?", I asked, wondering why we had to make such a journey if she wasn't looking to be rescued.

"We got the last piece of what we needed to bring the priest to his knees", a dark grin spread across Mother's face, "Let's quickly return", she said as she pulled out a small stone from the rock face to look out and check for any movement.

With the coast clear, she pressed a stone that released the seal on the door and hopped out onto an icy rock ledge.

"This isn't where we came in", I said confused.

"The seal on the cave changes the entrance to keep out unwanted visitors", she said as she climbed down the rocks.

"We should get one of these for the house", I mumbled.

"It's ancient magic. The cost would be too high to do that now", she shook her head at me.

I pouted as I followed in her footsteps. As we reached solid ground, we took off running, descending the mountain quicker than our ascent. Mother whistled for our horses as we neared the green woods halfway down the mountain. Lilith and Magmus came racing beside us, as did several mercenaries.

"Shit", I cursed as I leaped to catch hold of Lilith's reins to hang off the side of her.

Mother did the same as I dug for a poison bomb and launched it behind us. A large boom and screams could be heard behind us. As I adjusted to properly climb on top of Lilith, I glanced behind us to see the sheer number of mercenaries chasing us despite the carnage I had just caused.

"I don't think the same tricks are going to work this time"

"Just keep riding", Mother spat as daggers and arrows began to fly past us.

"Aim for the horses you fools!", one shouted.

I turned to fend off any incoming projectiles, then slapped a protective seal onto Lilith. She neighed in displeasure as the energy swept around her.

"I know girl, just keep running, it'll be alright", I consoled her.

We continued to race down the mountain, I sniped the archers and any that came close to closing the distance, but I was running out of ammunition and tricks.

"Why the hell did that priest send an army for one priestess", I hissed as I shot off arrows wildly.

"Shut up and get to the base!", Mother yelled.

As she turned to back me up to take the lead, arrows came buzzing past our heads, precisely striking the ragtag army chasing us. They all seemed to fall at once. I turned to see what we were heading towards. I quickly pulled Lilith's reins hard and she skidded to a stop. In front of us stood a battalion of the most beautiful knights I had ever seen.

"The Valsa", I whispered in shock.

"Madame Aniceta", the leader, a giant of a woman, stepped forward, "I am Anatisia, Captain of the Crescent Order of Valsa, here to offer you our assistance", she bowed deeply.

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