5. The Vampire

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"Eck, is that a bat?", I said as I walked into the house at dusk

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"Eck, is that a bat?", I said as I walked into the house at dusk.

"Yes", my mother replied holding it in her hands, "and you know what that means"

"A vampire..."

"Yes, a vampire. Though I was already informed by the caretakers of the roads, cousins Leona and Marie"

"Ugh", I complained.

I. Hate. Vampires.

Okay, I love the concept of them; near immortality, the whole sleep all day, up all night thing, and not liking the sun. I completely understand that, but when they come close to town, it's such a hassle to care for them. First of all, they can go in the sun, but choose not to. Why? Well, have you seen a corpse with red eyes in the day? Pretty noticeable by the average human, so it's easier to hide that in the shadows of the night.

Unfortunately, it makes it troublesome for me because I have to take things to them and meet their demands during their waking hours. So, with the day duties and night duties, I don't sleep.

There's also, the barrel.

Depending on the vampire, the barrel has to carry either freshly drained blood from a pig, or the whole squealing pig itself. And guess who gets to wrangle the pig, transport it, and carry it up and down the steps?


"Uuugh", I groaned, "Which vamp is it?"



Mortimer or "Mer" is a rather young vampire comparatively, so he's more up on the times. He's fun to talk to, and he tells me about his travels. Unfortunately, he likes his blood poured in a barrel mixed with a few fresh cuts of meat. That means I have to go kill some pigs before he gets hungry. Not my favorite gruesome deed.

Cursing every step of the way, I dragged myself to assemble the necessary items to go. I managed to isolate and drug a moderately-sized pig, and put it out of its misery. It was already well into the moon hours by time I loaded the carriage.

"God, it's so spooky outside of town at night...", I mumbled to myself.

The vampire accommodation is an old watch tower turned "house".

"Merrr!", I yelled towards the tower door from the bottom of the steps with a barrel almost more than half my size in width and height.

The lights were on, but no movement could be seen within.

"Mer! Come get this thing! It's heavy!", I complained.

Still, nothing.

"Ughhhh", I whined as I braced myself to lift the barrel and go up the stairs. Dragging it one step at a time, I huffed madly trying to muster every bit of strength I had.

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