Book Poll - Updated!

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Hey Lovely Readers!!

Thank you all SO much for all of the support I have been getting for this book.

Keep in mind while reading, this is the first book I had ever written so, it is a bit rough.

Barnburner has almost hit 100k views! How crazy insane is that?

I just want to give a shoutout to #1 and first ever fan and dedicated reader, sailorrbelle Thank you SO much for all of your crazy comments that make me snort and the support you have given me throughout this journey. You are amazing, KEEP BEING YOU!

That being said, I have some new books ideas I want to get your opinion on.

This idea has been bugging my thoughts ALL day:

I'm thinking another accidental pregnancy because I am obsessed with writing these.

I am thinking that she is a business woman, of some sort, but she works out like HARDCORE.

The female MC's fitness trainer moved so she had to get a new one.

And guess what... He is extremely hot. As expected.

Just imagine, sweaty workout scenes with his hands on her hips for spotting. Or doing pull ups together since she is carrying extra weight. Minimal clothing. Sweat slick bodies. What is more hot than that?

Next we have another personal favorite I have recently been working on:

An 1800s Royalty story.

It is kind of in the middle of the Regency Period and the Victorian Period.

Rearrange Me

Princess Eleanora is a quick-witted, romance loving, independent girl. Who absolutely does not wish to marry a man she's never met, let alone someone she's heard nothing but terrible things about.

King Philippe XV, is quite afraid of love. He is said to he cold-hearted, cruel, uncaring. The truth is, we all have a past. We all have that thing that defines us.

So, what happens when Philippe finds himself again? Is it because he's grown fond of the new Queen Consort, or is it merely a coincidence of timing. And Eleanora, she hates to be incorrect. But maybe, just this once, she is alright with being proven wrong by her new husband.

This idea came to me today:

I'm thinking:

Female MC is a prison guard or some sort.

Then a prisoner who was wrongly accused and said to be guilty even though he isn't.

they fall in love and she breaks him out. yes, no, maybe so?

More book ideas to come!

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