I give her a kiss on the cheek and get my long black jacket and boots with my bulletproof vest and gun.


Karan drives quick and we pull up a few feet away from the building. He takes a minute to get his gun and locks it in place. He fiddles around and catches me staring at him.

"You think it's the guy that broke into Black Light?"
"I don't know Tejasswi, but Sam got a notification from the cameras."
I sigh. "I was supposed to meet Drishti's boyfriend and enjoy tonight."
"I know, we will soon. Come on", Karan gets out of the car and points the gun forward.

We enter the closed part of the warehouse and walk closer till we hear sound. Karan leads us to the shipment area as he studied the blueprints of this building.

It was eerie silence of the evening, but Karan was determined someone was in here still.

"What kind of shipments were they?", I ask barely audible but enough for him to hear.
"Sent from overseas, I don't know what's in it but Isaiah said he found a link to H.E.X.A."

Isaiah led part of the shipping business in Black Light. He has an important job as all our equipment gets shipped out from here to all quarters around the world.

Karan suddenly stops walking as he spots a room. He motions for me to follow him and he opens the door to a computer room. He turns on the light as I shut the door and he starts turning on the machinery.

"Shipment files are stored in here", he tells me before I get a chance to ask.

I sit down and look around. It seems way to quiet for someone to be opening shipment on Christmas. Karan types away on the computer, I'm guessing he got the passwords from Sam.
Then it dawns on me.

"Karan why is there a computer room in the middle of a warehouse?"

He stops typing and freezes in thought. He peers out the window and steps back.

"We entered those blue corridors", he says thinning out loud.
"But we entered through a different entrance last time", I say standing up in wary.
"That means someone was definitely here they just used a different entrance and exit." Karan takes out his gun and turns off the light. He searches through the shipment files in the dark. 

I get up and walk behind his chair to take a look the screen. The shipments say they were flown from Spain to this warehouse to be given to another building. The building was actually H.E.X.A quarters.

Karan realizes this too. "Shit. "

I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder "We will wait for them to come to us."

He shrugs out of my grasp and glues his eyes to the screen. "Don't do that. I don't need you to coddle me."
"I wasn't coddling you I was supporting you. We are partners you know", I say getting defensive.
He stand up to face me.
"And I know you have spent extra time on this to complete but if this is H.E.X.A's doing we are going to have a fight. I doubt anyone else is from an agency at our school."
"But this could mean something and we need to get this done and over with so I can at least enjoy the Christmas dinner. I'm not the most ideal person to be here with-"
"Tejasswi shh-"
"And I'm sorry you are stuck with me but we are going to have to cooperate if we are going to catch him."

Karan walks up to me when I say "stuck" and collides his lips with mine for like three seconds.
He moves away and heads to the computer immediately as if nothing happened.

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