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"Um, I apologize for you seeing tha-"

"Silence.", Philippe cuts me off, grabbing ahold of my silk glove covered arms, "You do not wish for me to hide from you. Yet you do the same thing."

"This is quite a different situation, My Lord."

"Is it? I have parts of myself I wish to hide, as do you. I do not find our reasons to be much different after all. We both to hide them for good reason."

"I suppose, My Lord."

"Do not call me that. I called you Eleanora. You must address me by my name also." He says and I nod. "Do not cover yourself up for me.", Philippe's eyes meet mine, "I wish to see all of you one day."

My breath hitches. "You do?"

"Very much so." Philippe whispers.

He seemed to be lost in a daze.

"I do not understand you, Philippe. Nearly three hours ago you could not even look at me."

"Three hours spent with one person.. Especially a lady, can often change a man's point of view." He says softly, pulling my arms away from my bust.

The worst part is, I did not stop him.

I watch intently as Philippe sucks in a sharp breath, his hands still holding onto my forearms.

Philippe does not do anything. He does remove his hands from my arms. He just stares. Only for a moment.

"Have you ever been touched, Eleanora?" He whispers.

"In... What way?" I swallow slowly.

"I think you know more than you let on." He says, his eyes meeting mine.

"No... I have not." I answer his question and he nods.

"Now is not the time then."

"Would it be the time if I had said the opposite answer?" I find myself asking.

"No. The time will come when it feels right." Philippe says, removing his grip on my arms.

I watch as he laces my corset back up. "Is that too tight?"

"I believe that is quite too loose."

"I am aware. You are going to take it off the moment we arrive back at the Palace." Philippe says, a small smile gracing his face. I pull my dress back up to my shoulders. "Apologies about your dress."

"It is not as if I am going to wear it again." I chuckle.

I move off of Philippe's lap, residing beside him.

I stare out the window, feeling my self-doubts begin to creep back in.

I cannot believe I allowed him to see such a thing. Married or not, it was not ladylike.

My mind falls on my family. I do miss them dearly.

"Might I be allowed to go home, come winter? 'Tis my brother's coronation." I find myself asking, still staring out the window.

"I quite figured you would. I do not see why you need my permission to travel." Philippe says and I let out a breath.

"I apologize,", I look down at my clasped hands, "I do not quite yet understand how all of this exactly is to work."

"We shall learn," Philippe reassures, breaking my hands apart from each other to place his own with mine.

He squeezes my left hand before lifting our clasped hands up, "My mother's ring does suit you quite nicely, yes?"

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