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I blink, my eyes narrowed in the sunlight.

"Eleanora, you are awake!" Adela's voice echoes toward me.

I sit up and look around. I am not in my bedchamber. I am in Philippe's, accompanied by Jean, Alice, and Adela.

My sister sits on the bed and takes ahold of my hand. "Eleanor, I am with such sorrow for how I have treated you. I believe I have been angry with myself more than anything."

I smile softly. "I do suppose I forgive you."

Adela smiles brightly. "James wrote you."

"Did he?"

"Yes. Theodosia is with child. Isn't that wonderful?"

My smile falters, only for a moment. "Yes, that is." I look around once more. "Where is Philippe?" Jean avoids my gaze and something uncomfortable settles in my throat. "Where is he?"

"He is... He is with Maria." Jean says softly. I shoot out of bed and my head suddenly feels light. "Woah, easy there, Eleanora." Jean's hands land on my arms and he steadies.

"But Maria is... dead."

"It seems as though it was a faux death." Jean says.

"Where at?"

"Pardon me?"

"Where exactly at is Philippe with Maria?" I clarify.

"In the west wing."

Before anyone can stop me, I'm barging out of the King's State Apartments and running towards the opposite end of the castle.

"Eleanora, wait! I do not reckon you wish to see-" Jean yells, but I've already pushed through the only closed door, and the sight in front of me has me gasping for air, clutching my stomach.

Philippe has Maria pressed against the wall, his lips pressed to her ear as his hand holds her chin. Her hands are on his back, where mine were just earlier today.

Maria gasps loudly.

I feel sick.

"Eleanora, I-" Philippe's head turns at the sound of his brother's voice.

"Nora? You're awake." His expression softens.

He does not even feel regret?

Maria's grip tightens on him and I swallow the lump that has settled deep in my throat.

Tears fall from my eyes before I can stop them. "You- you- How could you- You lied to me?"


I take a step backward, and it is now that I notice his hand on her waist.

Philippe looks at Maria, then down at each of his hands before looking back at me with a startled expression. "Oh, no, Nora, it is not what you-"

"I do not wish to see you. Ever. Again." I manage to choke out before turning on my heel and running out, accidentally hitting Jean's shoulder on the way out.

I collapse onto my knees on the floor the second I step into my bedchamber.

"Milady? Are you alright?" Alberta's voice is quiet underneath my sobs. I feel her beside me as she takes my hand. "What can I do?"

I bury my face in her collarbone, needing some sort of physical touch to comfort me. I wish Mama were here to embrace me.

"Oh, Milady." Alberta hesitates, but wraps her arms around me and strokes the top of my head.

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