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Philippe XV

For the third day in a row, I watched as my brother practically called on my wife.

My jaw clenched as Eleanora laughed at something Jean said, throwing her head back as her hand lands on his arm.

I bring the glass goblet to my lips, knocking a swig of the claret topped off with scotch whiskey back into my throat.

"You mustn't appear jealous, Philippe. That will only make her what him more.", Werner, an old friend of mine from Oxford says, patting my shoulder.

"She does not want him." I spat out, keeping my eyes on them.

Werner sits down across from me, "She clearly does not want you."

"She should not have to. We are only married for the Monarchy." I state, trying to convince myself more than others.

"Your father would be quite disappointed to hear those words." Werner says and my hand hits the table in front of us.

"You shall not speak of my father." My voice was louder than intended, drawing the attention of others. I lean back in my chair, "I apologize for behaving in such a manner."

"Your behavior is justified. I should not have spoken of your father." Werner says and I glance over at him.

"This ball is ridiculous."

"I am glad we agree on one thing."

I push to stand up, "I must unfortunately return to my throne. Do not leave without bidding a goodbye."

"I would never. A word of advice, if you don't mind: Dance with her." Werner says before I walk away.

I slump down in the red velvet and gold chair that is seated next to Eleanora's.

"How nice of you to return."

"I was gone but five minutes." I state, taking another sip of drink before summoning another one.

"And yet, you somehow managed to cause a scene." Eleanora says, not bothering to glance over at me.

"Must you always share you dreadful opinion of others?" I ask, looking over my irritating wife.

"I would not be myself if I did not. 'Tis just how I am."

"Maybe you would not mind if someone shared their opinions of you then, yes, Your Majesty?" I asks, taking ahold of my new glass of liqueur.

"I take critique quite well, thank you, My Lord." Elenora looks over at me, with the audacity to smile.

"I do find it quite... Odd- Disturbing, even. That you wish to court my brother."

Eleanora scoffs, "The fact that you even think that shows how little you pay attention to others."

"I pay attention much more than you may think. Enough to know that the conversations you have with my brother, are anything but innocent." I state, taking a sip of my drink.

"What exactly are you accusing me of, Your Majesty?"

I shrug, "I am not accusing you of anything. Unless, you are confessing something, are you?"

"I did not think you would take whatever it is going on with us, this far. You have done it again, Your Majesty. I do believe it is I, who is forming hatred for you now." Eleanora stands up, her half full glass in her hand.

I watch as she pulls the wedding ring off, "I do not wish to wear this for a man who cannot respect his own wife. I am retiring to bed. I do hope you find your sane-ness again soon.", she shoves le Mama's ring into my hand before downing her drink and walking away.

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