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Philippe XV

"A what?!" I roar at the mention of my new arranged marriage.

"You are to be married to Eleanora Genevieve Amelia Wudrow, Princess of England. On the thirtieth of June."

I stand up, resting my knuckles on the desk. "Thirty days? You tell me, that I am to be married, thirty days before my wedding?"

"You were not allowed to know until you turned eight-and-ten, Your Majesty. It was your father's request." Maurice, my Butler says as he stands in front of me. A thick French accent laces his voice--much thicker than my brother's.

"It is not happening. Tell England they can keep their daughter."

Maurice shakes his head, "Your Majesty, I cannot. There was a deal made when you and Her Royal Highness were young. It is the law, you must marry her in thirty days."

I run my hand over my face, letting it lay over my eyes. "I shall not marry a girl I have never even seen."

"Then you must visit England, Your Majesty. She cannot visit here, her father has grown ill." Maurice's voice was quiet, almost as though he did not want another persons to hear.

I look out the window at the large green, but empty garden. The garden that is too large to even see half of it from here. Much like this palace that I've grown up in. A palace that used to be filled with joy. A palace that is now filled with ridiculous balls to try to fill the void in my life.

"Papa, one day, when I am King. I am going to host big parties, to celebrate the power I have!"

Le Papa looks down at me, a look of disappointment on his face. "Philippe, being King is not about power. It 'tis about dedication, love for your people, and our beautiful country. You mustn't flaunt what you have, you shall feel it." Papa lifts me onto his lap, "Feel the power you hold inside you." he points to my forehead, "In here," then my chest, "and in here."

I also point to my chest, looking down. "Why in here, Papa?"

"That's your heart, Fils. Someday, you shall find someone that makes your heart go like this." he pats my chest rhythmically; fast, continuous."You will have a Queen to rule by your side. That, you must flaunt."

"It was in the deal that you didn't marry until the age of eight-and-ten. Her Royal Highness, six-and-ten."

"I am nine-and ten."

"Her Royal Highness is seven-and-ten. She has a brother, The Prince of England, who married last year. She could not have married until a year after the Duke of Sussex." Maurice explains and I nod, biting down on my finger.

"Am I to not meet the girl before?"

"Shh." He shushes me. Me! "Princess Eleanora and Prince Philippe XV are to not see each other until the day they are to engage." He places the tanned parchment down in front of me.

"This is ridiculous. I can't even wish to see the girl I'm marrying." I sigh before standing up. "I am going for a stroll. I do not wish to be bothered."

I find myself walking towards le Mama's estate in the back right corner of the substantial garden.

Le Papa had it built when he and le Mama first married, thinking it would be like every past Royal Marriage.
He was incorrect.

I find myself humming Rossini's latest composed from the Opera. I'm not sure why. I hate the Opera.

Le Mama loved the Opera.

"Philippe, if you speak the whole time, you shall not be listening." Her English accent filled her words, making me smile.

"I do not find this to fill my enjoyment, Mama."

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