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Philippe XV

"I do not wish to watch." Eleanora whispers. I reach over, taking her hand in mine as Marie is placed in the guillotine.

Affection in front of the people is frowned upon, damned on even. But I do suppose I am the King and I can do as I please.

I tug Eleanora into my side and she gasps. "Whatever are you doing?"

"I too, do not wish for you to watch," I say, looking into her glistening green eyes. "However, it is a law that I must." I place my hand at the back of her head and she rests her forehead against my chest.

The crowd shouts and throws things at Marie. My eyes connect with Jean's and he nods. I look directly at the executioner and nod. The blade falls and someone screams—Marie's sister.

Eleanora whimpers against my chest and squeezes my hand tightly. "It is over. We must leave."

The carriage pulls up and I lead Eleanora down the path to it.

Townsfolk bow as we walk past but I pay no attention to them. I only want Eleanora in the carriage and on her way to the Palace.

"Your Majesties, we must make haste. The riots have begun." I assist Eleanora before climbing in and sitting beside her. She stares out the window as the carriage begins to move.

Jean's carriage trails behind us as we leave the city behind us.

"Surely you must feel something of remorse, yes, My Lord?"

"I do not understand why I must feel remorse for a lady who nearly killed you." My jaw tightens. "The rumors were iniquity already. I made a vow to you and I stand by it. Even if that means yelling off with her head when a persons glances at you in a manner I do not relish."

"You cannot execute a person simply because they glanced at me!" She shrieks.

I laugh. "I do wish you'd quit being serious. I was told you much like to play sport, and I have yet to see much of it." A small smile spreads across her lips.

Eleanora turns to look at me. "I never thanked you. You saved my life, Philippe."

I glance down at her gown. "I have taken notice that you are no longer in mourning?"

"I imagine I am. Though, I am not positive the feeling will ever truly go away."

My hand reaches up and cups her cheek, thumb stroking her cheek. "You truly are of great beauty. I do not reckon I have appreciated it much yet."

Her cheeks paint red and she looks down with a smile on her lips. Mercy, those lips. I wish to kiss them.

"Kiss what?" My eyes widen in realization that I spoke those words aloud.

Without another thought—so I do not stop myself—I lean forward and press my lips to hers. Eleanora pulls away ever so slightly, before leaning in and pressing her lips to mine. It was a soft kiss, sweet even.

I felt a shock wave shoot throughout my entire body, from the tips of my ears to my toes. It was an odd feeling. I am not sure what to make of it. I do not want it to end. But all good things must end eventually.

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