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"You must be mistaken, Maurice. Adela is in England." I tell Maurice as we walk out of the bedchamber.

"I am afraid not, Your Majesty. Jean has been traveling to England and now he has brought her here. Your mother does not know, yet."

I comb my fingers through my hair and wince. "But Adela... No. Did you see her?"

"She is in The Peace Room, locked away from Jean."

"Adela would not do such a thing." I turn to Philippe. "She's just a girl. She cannot have done such a thing!"

Philippe cups my cheeks. "Let us go speak with her, hear what she says." I nod and let him lead us outside where a carriage is waiting.

"Do you wish for your mother to be notified?"

I shake my head. "Not yet." I look out the window. "Though she must be worried sick." I place my hand against my stomach as I feel myself feel nauseous.

I distract myself by combing my fingers through my hair until deemed satisfied as we pull up to the backside of the palace.

"Milady, take this." Maryellen holds out a night-jacket and I slide my arms into the sleeves, letting her wrap it around me and secure it tightly.

"Is it true?" Maryellen looks at the ground. "Have you seen her?"

"Yes, Milady."

"Did she bring any person with her? Companion? Maid?"

"No, Milady. Just her. Alberta is sitting with her at the moment."

I nod, letting Philippe take my hand in his as we walk down the hallway.

"I do not understand when this happened? And how have they not been caught? How long has it been going on?"

"Jean said his loyalties lied elsewhere, and I assumed he meant a lady in town." Philippe says as we turn a corner. "I do apologize for my brother. I knew he was capable of stupid things but I did not think stealing Adela's innocence was one of them."

"This will ruin her, Philippe. No persons can find out about this."

"I know, love. I will try everything I can to keep it hidden." He kisses the back of my hand, and I feel myself breathe a little better—only a little.

The moment we walk through the doors, I am furious again.

Adela sits in the same settee we sat in when we first arrived. "Adela Beatrice, what is the matter with you?"

Adela looks over at me with tears in her eyes. "You told her?!" She looks at Maurice.

"Yes and I am very glad he did." I sit beside her on the settee. "Now please, Adela, what is going on?"

"It was never... We never meant for it to happen." Adela's voice chokes up. "But I am afraid it did."

"Do you understand what this means for you, Adela? Do you understand what could happen if you are not careful? Have you told Mama anything at all?"

"I left her a letter, explaining that I was coming to visit you."

"You lied to her? Adela you know her opinions of lies."

"What did you expect me tell her?" She leans away from me. "Sorry Mama, I am going to France to break the law with my sister's husband's brother. Does that sound better?"

I sigh. "You should not have come at all."

"But I-" Adela is interrupted by shouting coming from outside the door.

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