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"There is no doubting that you are with child, Your Majesty." The housewife says. "When did she bleed last?"

Maryellen steps forward. "The beginning of July, ma'am."

"Ah, yes." She pulls out a piece of parchment. "Let us say, the eighth of July. Then add seven, and we get four-and-ten. Plus nine months. April."

"For what?"

"When the child will come. Though, if you bled in the beginning of July, we do not know exactly when you came to be with child. So let us say the baby will be here anytime between April and July, yes?"

After being ill for several weeks, I was forced to urinate on wheat and barley to prove that I am with child.

The wheat only sprouted before shriveling up, but the barley grew and grew—which means it's a girl, supposedly. I do not buy into any of that witchcraft, though.

"It is not witchcraft." Philippe had laughed when I said the same to him. "It is science, darling."

"Science is witchcraft. Have you not read the book of God?" I had retorted.

Which he then responded with, "Of course I have."

I blink myself back into the present moment. "May I leave?"

"Yes, I do believe we are done here for today. I shall be back come April." She closes the bag she carried and exits my bedchamber.

"Were the plants truly necessary?" I ask Maryellen.

"She is said to be the best in all of France, Milady." Alberta says, pressing a cool damp cloth to my forehead.

I groan and lay back against the pillows, shutting my eyes.

When the door opens, I do not have to peek open my eyes to see who it is, I know. "The witchcraft says it's a girl."

"Does it now?" Philippe's deep voice echoes towards me.

"Please rest, Milady." Maryellen says as her and Alberta leave the chamber.

"I do not know how many times I have to command you not to call me that!" I yell just as the door shuts. "Goodness, they are-"

"Of stubborn nature?" I feel the bed dip and I open my eyes. "I believe I know a girl much like that."

"I am not a girl." I huff. "I am a lady. Or at the very least, a woman."

"Yes, and how are you feeling today, madame?" Phillips asks, resting his hand atop my leg.

I sigh. "A bit hot. That is all."

"You should spend some time in the gardens. 'Tis but a beautiful day."

"I am not allowed." I groan.

"Last I checked, you have higher authority over the servants." He tsks.

I sit up and the wet cloth falls to my lap. "You are the one who is not allowing it." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Only when I am not here." He holds onto my hands as he stands. "Come on, darling. Let us take a stroll."

I straighten out my dress and fix my hair before letting Philippe lead me outside of the palace.

"Do you wish to hear my good news?"


"I do not have to wear a corset for nine months!" I grin.

"Oh, splendid. One less layer for me to take off."

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