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"You cannot possibly be serious? You hid an infant duck, from your father, for over a week?" Philippe asks and I nod before the two of us break into a small fit of laughter.

We had both rolled onto our sides, are hands still together in the middle of us. My left hand rested under my cheek, acting as a pillow.

"Would you like to go inside?" Philippe asks, a worried look on his face.

"If I am to be honest. No. I find it quite peaceful out here." I admit.

"You shall be cold the earlier it gets."

"I shall be alright. It is summer, after all." I say and Philippe nods.

I feel my eyelids begin to weigh more. "You seem tired."

"I believe I am. You have bored me to slumber.", I tease, letting my eyes close, "Goodnight Philippe."

I feel a hand tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, "Goodnight Nora.", Philippe whispers before I give in to a deep slumber.

I roll over, squeezing my eyes shut even more as the sun peaks through my room.

It is when I groan, realizing the sun is not going away and that Maryellen shall be here any moment, that I force myself to wake.

I rub my eyes with the palm of my hand. before slowly opening them, my eyes adjusting to the bright light.

It is then and only then, do I realize my pillow is not there. Nor is my bed, furniture, paintings, windows, wallpaper.

Instead, there is grass... Lots of it. Trees too. And.. "Philippe?", I ask, abruptly sitting up.

My gaze falls to our clasped hands as memories from last begin to creep in, slowly- due to my morning haze.

"Relax Your Majesty, 'tis not a crime that we fell asleep together." Philippe's voice was muffled against his arm.

"What about the sneaking out of the palace and falling asleep in the Gardens together?" I ask and Philippe chuckles.

"I offered to go back inside. You declined."

That is quite true. I was in too much of a schoolgirl-crush daze to function properly.

"They are going to be worried sick." I state.

Philippe removes his arm from over his face, his eyes finally meeting mine as he smiles, "Let them. Lay back down, I do not yet wish to get up."

"We cannot stay out here."

"Why not? I am the King after all , what shall they do? Punish me? Punish you?" A frisky smile appears on his face.

"I do believe Marie shall find one way or another to start a false rumor about me. 'Tis in only a matter of time before she says a lie that merely ruins me." I huff, lying back on the ground.

"She will be handled. Jean was never quite fond of her anyway. I never paid much attention, she did not tend to me much before." Philippe explains, bending his knee up towards the sky.

"Why is she tending to you now, then? Do you believe what Maryellen said might be true?" I ask, rolling onto my side.

"What? The she is jealous?"

"Yes..." I nod

An enervated smile appears on Philippe's face as he looks up at the blue sky, "I do not see why she would not be. Any person should be."

"Your Majesties. There you are! We have been looking for you all morning!" The sound of Maurice's voice echoes towards us. Philippe and I immediately stand up.

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