A Daikaiju's Date

Start from the beginning

The sky was splayed out in front of them in a endless expanse of turquoise blue, birds flew below them as Weiss just glided on her wing's with little effort, both of them were enjoying the view and the beauty of the flight they were in.

The sun stood in the sky far above them with it's blazing yellow light streaming on the planet, a eagle started flying beside Weiss as she flew towards the open ocean. Ruby could breathe underwater while Weiss could soar the skies and Weiss wanted them to do both, Ruby swimming beneath Weiss as Weiss flew right above the water.

Nature was just serene and beautiful and they were a set of new born god's that would protect it, Weiss tucked in her wing's as she could smell the saltwater beneath them with her advanced senses.

The two Daikaiju entered a freefall as they plummeted towards the clouds below them, punching a giant hole through the white fluffy and cold clouds, Ruby saw the water below them as she released Weiss's grasp on her and cannonballed into the water.

|Thwaboooom!| Ruby's vision was clouded by a sea of white bubbles until her inner eyelid flickered over her eyes and she saw the beauty of the depth's of the ocean, giant swarms of vibrant colored fish swam through the blue water that dwarfed Ruby in size.

Each swarm of life was as big as her God form and shone in every color of the rainbow, the most pretty were the blues that shined in the oceans aquamarine color, plants littered the floor as they moved gently through the oceans many currents.

Eel's and crabs ducked in and out of coral reef's looking to ambush something for food, turtles of many kind's swam with their flipper's while eating their species preferred meal, seal's of every variation darted through the swarms of fish snacking on the fresh delicacies they had caught.

Shark's and other predatory fish of many sizes glided through the waters that gave them life, pod's of dolphins and whales torpedoed through the water as Ruby watched them and heard their clicks and clacks with her sensory organs. Ruby breathed through the gill's on her neck and slowly used Scylla to swim back to the surface where Weiss flew, Weiss's dark shadow shone across the buoyant surface of the waves.

Ruby was one of the only humanoids that could see this so clearly since marine faunas were extremely rare on Remnant, most faunas were some kind of mammal and very few could be underwater without technological aid for long periods of time.

The ocean current's calmed Ruby as she felt it glide across her skin like wind during spring would, soft and gentle that carried the vibrancy of many living thing's in it's motherly embrace, soft light from the sun shone through the water and covered everything with it's warmth.

'There are many thing's I regret about becoming a Daikaiju.... but maybe if I could see this sight whenever I want it isn't so bad...' Ruby swam through the water to where Weiss was gliding above the calm ocean, at the last second she used Scylla to punch through the water into the air above Weiss.

Weiss shrieked in surprise before laughing as Ruby sprayed her with cold water after breaching, this was one of the best thing's she's ever done in her life, Ruby came back to the surface after coming down into the water again. She swam next to Weiss as she used Scylla to propel herself against the tide, Weiss folded her wing's as she landed on Ruby and laid on her chest, humming a tune that only she knew through her soft lip's.

"You know Ruby you are the best thing to ever happen to me, not once in my childhood have I ever felt this amount of peace and your the one who caused it.... Thank you." Weiss whispered as she closed her eyes and silently listened to Ruby's deep breathing and the sound of the endless waves lapping against Ruby.

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