A Daikaiju's Date

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This is going to come out late and I don't really have an excuse, I got a new game recently and spent both Wednesday and Thursday playing it with only 1 hour of sleep, really sorry for the late update.

This chapter will be a feel good chapter mostly, it is to build up Ruby and Weiss's relationship since as I've said this is the Weiss arc!

Bold: Important note to the story

Italic: Important message to a specific character or event

"Message" Kaijuspeak

"Message" Speech

'Message' Thought's

|Boom!| Noise/sound effect


Ruby Rose was a nervous wreck as she got dressed for a special event for her, Weiss was taking her out on a date today and she knew she would probably mess it up somehow. Ruby got on her usual attire that her father had gotten her weeks ago, it was custom made to fit her 8 foot tall body and could fit Scylla as well.

It was made of leather and it was colored black, Weiss still was changing in the dorm as Ruby always changed in the bathroom. Ruby was hyperventilating slightly as even before becoming a Daikaiju she had never been on a date, not a lot of boy's ever approached her due to hyper-activeness and nerdy tendencies.

"I know I am going to mess this up somehow!" Ruby squeaked as she pulled her long hair into a ponytail very gently with her hand's, her claws could easily slice through her hair but then again it would grow back instantly through her regeneration.

"Calm down Ruby it's just a date!" Ruby whispered to herself as she took long slow deep breathes to calm herself down, her speeding heartrate slowed down to it's typical slow 60 beats per minute.

Ruby took a deep breathe and stepped out the bathroom to see a amazing sight, Weiss was wearing a simple but cute outfit of a orange tank top to fit her wing's, her leg's were covered by a set of jeans that went down to her ankles as she couldn't wear shoes with her talon's.

Weiss's brown hair was parted in front of her face and set in a very small ponytail in the back, her bright orange eyes were shining as she stared at Ruby.

Ruby had her mouth open as she couldn't form words right now and her third leg stood at attention, Yang while laughing up a storm walked over and closed Ruby's hanging mouth.

"How do I look Ruby?" Weiss asked with a smirk as she put her wing's behind her back and waved her body sexily.

"Like the Goddess you are!" Ruby blurted out without thinking as she went slightly pink in color, her skin was normally as pale as a corpse so when she was blushing hard her face became light pink.

"You think so? Would that mean your my little devout follower then~?" Weiss asked as Ruby held her hand to her face to clean off her nosebleed she had.

"Maybe, but you would have to treat me like an apostle then!" Ruby asked she wiped the black blood away from her nose and had a bashful look on her face.

"I will but let's get going already, I got a nice restaurant reserved for us and a movie for later!" Weiss shouted as she grabbed Ruby's hand with her wing claw's and rushed out of the dorm through the many corridor's of Beacon, once they had reached the courtyard in front of Beacon she took off into the sky with Ruby in her claws.

"Enjoying the view babe?" Weiss asked as she flew her and Ruby past the clouds to the open azure sky around them, Ruby loved flying with Weiss now as she couldn't fly herself and the sky felt so open and free.

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