12 - Just Like The Movies

Start from the beginning

"Isn't that what you signed up for?" He replied, turning to face her with a fake smile lining his lips too.

"You're a jerk you know that?" Her eyes were shooting daggers at him while her lips were forced to show elation.

"Don't you get tired of repeating the same thing over and over again? Think of something new, something original. Come on, I believe in you." He mocked, smiling at her as they came to a pause right in front of the concession booth.

Yeah, what made her think she'd ever be able to be friends with him?

This man was so infuriating. Nice one moment and frustratingly annoying the next. It was as if he enjoyed pushing people away, afraid that they'd gotten too close to him. But then again, why should she care, if he didn't?

"Hello sir, what can I get for you?" The employee asked Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu turned to face Akshara.  "Would you like something, honey? Some popcorn perhaps?"

Akshara glanced at the concession booth worker taking their order before turning to face her boyfriend. "Of course! You know how much I love popcorn. And a drink too, please. Coke."

Abhimanyu turned towards the employee, "Can we get one medium coke, and one large popcorn, with extra butter. Make it as buttery as you can. My girl loves her butter even though I tell her too much butter isn't good for her but nope, she never listens. Girls, amirite?" Abhimanyu joked.

Akshara pinched Abhimanyu's palm, understanding full well he was ordering the extra buttery popcorn just to rally her up. "Please honey, you don't need to hide your love for butter by using my name. In fact it is I who has to stop you from bingeing on all the butter. Come on now, you're a doctor, you should know better." She replied, sweetly.

She turned to the concession booth employee to correct the order. "Please don't listen to him. Just a large popcorn with regular butter."

"Umm, the machine for the butter is over there. You can just pour your own, however much you like." He answered, pointing them to a table with the butter machine, making both Akshara and Abhimanyu's mouths form a big O.

"Right, thank you." Akshara replied, feeling slightly embarrassed while Abhimanyu could've cared less.


As Abhimanyu and Akshara settled into their center seats at the top most row of the theater, Akshara decided to finally talk to Abhimanyu about his attitude as they waited for the movie to start.

"No offense but do you enjoy being a prick to everyone or is it just me? Do you get some sort of sexual gratification from it or something?"

"Actually, I've never thought of it that way but now that you mention it, being a prick does do things —insane unspeakable to me. So I guess, yeah." He answered, leaning into her, not a hint of seriousness in his voice.

Akshara's breath hitched in her throat watching him leaning on so close to her. He knew the effect he had on women and no matter how much she tried to deny it on the surface, the reality of it all was, under all this dislike she harboured for him, she still was a woman —which meant she wasn't completely immune to his charms. No matter how hard she tried.

Akshara sat up straight in her seat, placing one finger on his chest and pushing Abhimanyu away from her. "You're...such a..." Damnit, why was she so rattled?

"Jerk? Like I said, think of something new, unique, original because that insult is starting to sound more like a term of endearment now." He replied, shaking his head at Akshara's lack of originality.

"Argh...you're...you're...you're...so annoying!" Akshara closed her eyes and slowly winced to herself. That's it? That's all you could come up with?! Really Akshara? What is wrong with you?!

"You're just starting to realize it right now? You have an entire year of my annoying ass to deal with. 365 days. How do you plan on doing that?!" He asked, turning around to face her.

"I'll find a way. Money is a good motivator." She reminded him.

Abhimanyu's jaw locked and his lips flatlined at her reply and he nodded his head in response. "Of course it is."

Without saying another word, he turned around to face the screen, just as the lights started to dim. And the movie started to play.

What? Had she said something out of place to warrant such a reaction from him?

Akshara glanced at Abhimanyu to see the expression on his face but nothing. It was blank. The playfulness in his demeanor had disappeared and instead was replaced by serious indifference.

Why did the sinking feeling in her stomach tell her she had somehow, seriously messed up?


Here you go! To anyone and everyone waiting for an update. And I hope this chapter lived up to your expectations!

AbhiRa are still in their hot/cold zone but change is coming, slowly but surely!

Comments/opinions/criticism welcome!

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