chapter nine • uncle interrogation

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Nathan Kingston

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Nathan Kingston

I went through a whole weekend of working my ass off to keep my mind busy with other things. I'm hoping this tutoring session will be another way to keep my mind off of the thoughts and that's why I'm here 15 minutes early, no other reason.

Instead of Ivy's smiling face looking up at me, I'm eye to eye with a head of dirty blonde hair and a mouth that's curled in a smirk, "you dating my sister, Kingston?"


My brain slips for a second before I can recoup and remember that we're supposed to be pretending to be dating for her family, "yeah, it's a new thing."

He opens the door wider and lets me inside the house that's way too big to be New York. I kick my shoes off and leave my coat on the hook while he watches me, "I'm sure you're a good guy, Kingston. But you hurt my sister, and there's a whole mod of people that will come after you."

"Noted." I try to sound bored even if I am a little scared of her dad and whenever else he could sac on me, "Where is she?"

"She's in the kitchen talking to one of my dad's friends." Just as he says it a loud laugh that sounds just like her echoes through the house and the two of us start walking over.

My eyes widen as I take in the scene in front of me. Star quarterback for the New York Pummlers Trent "T-Bone" Anderson is standing in the kitchen, laughing with Ivy and her dad.

"Why is there an NFL player in your kitchen?" I try to covertly whisper to Jackson but everyone in the kitchen hears me and turns in our direction.

"Nathan! You're here early!" She crosses the kitchen and envelops me into a tight hug, her sweet vanilla scent flooding my nostrils as I stand stiff for a minute at the contact. Once my brain stops shortcircuiting at her closeness I wrap my arms around her too and squeeze her to me, getting another whiff of her sweet perfume.

Her head looks up at me, a goofy smile spreading on her face when I look down at her, "hi."

"Hi." I whisper back, trying to ignore all the rest of the people in the kitchen by drowning in her icy blue eyes.

Two different throats clear from the other side of the kitchen and we unravel from each other, a blush rising on Ivy's pale cheeks. Her dad and Trent Anderson are both standing cross-armed on the other side of the kitchen glaring at me like I just killed her instead of hugging her.

"Whos the guy hugging my goddaughter?" Trent Anderson says while gesturing to me.

I've grown up in this city, and everyone in this city knows that Trent Anderson is an absolute legend in football. This isn't exactly how I pictured meeting one of my favorite players but Hugo is going to be so jealous when he finds out I met him.

I go to introduce myself but Mr. Matthews beats me to it, "this is Nathan."

"Where do you go to school, Nathan?" Trent Anderson's face hasn't settled at all, still a glare in my direction resting there.

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