Conclusion - An Honourable Knighthood Bestowed

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Though most were surprised at Emmie's revelation, her words were accepted as truth, and with no little relief by those who heard them. As  a witch who was blissfully wed to the love of her life, Auriel saw the right in the words that Emmie had spoken, for no woman could live with a man that she truly adored, and not accept that his kin, and therefore hers, by virtue of her marriage, may have especial gifts beyond her understanding.

" My brother is loved," she mused, " as am I, what matters the magic? Guy has the gift, bestowed upon him by Gwyneth, yet he seldom sees fit to use it, save when we are imperilled. There is sanctuary in our secrecy, for there are still those who fear that which they cannot understand, and in that fear may yet come betrayal."

She pondered on whether or not those of the Magical Realm might ever find total acceptance amongst their fellows, but dismissed the thoughts as foolish, even while knowing that acceptance of all things magical had come to pass in Camelot, and that it was the boon of a Famed Royal Personage.

It was decided that Guy and Auriel should press on to Camelot alone; Gwyneth and Edmund were weary of the road, and anxious to prolong their renewed acquaintance with Rebus and his bride. Elinor in particular had shown a keen interest in her newly met kin, especially their newborn, and from the first had stayed resolutely by the crib, despite efforts to distract her.

The other little ones were a mite fractious, and the elder children had little desire to either extend their journey by further days on the road, or to reacquaint themselves with John Proctor, who was after all, merely an old friend of their Mama's.

Whilst it was true that John Proctor had been blessed with a wife and two or more children, such things were of no interest to the young. On the other hand, the well stocked pantry of their current host and his lovely wife, along with the fine stable of horses which were made so freely available, made for pleasant days.

Then there were the deep feather beds upon which they rested their heads at night, which seemed heaven sent after so many long, and less than comfortable, nights on the road. Being so great in number, they were sleeping many to a room, that number including Guy and Auriel, but it seemed not to trouble them overmuch, as they were aware that their Mama and Papa would be leaving for Camelot on the morrow.

Indeed the only guests with a bedchamber for their sole use, were Gwyneth and Edmund, though it was not over large. Indeed Gwyneth was heard to remark, though tactfully, that it favoured a pantry at best. It was windowless, with the doorway covered by an old curtain, torn, faded and hanging from a number of its brass rings.

It seemed that whilst Rebus had inherited both house and estate from his stepfather, that few improvements had been made. Emmie had made her excuses to Auriel in that before the house could be offered for sale plans were in place to rebuild and renovate, with new furniture already mooted, but Auriel replied that if a house was warm, and it's hosts welcoming, naught else was required to entice a buyer.

The morning after, one of the covered carts was brought to the front courtyard by Madoc, already laden with everything that Guy and Auriel would need for the final part of their journey. The mount that Guy most favoured was tied behind, as was a horse for Auriel, though for the moment, she could think of no circumstance under which she would require it.

Gwyneth stood by the door with a farewell on her lips, but at the last, she took Auriel aside, and whispered in her ear.

" It is my belief that Guy of Gisborne longs for the close company of his wife," she said with a knowing smile, " look to him, there is latent passion in those eyes, passion for you. His shortness of temper only confirms it, and God only knows there has been little enough marital solitude on this journey."

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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