CHR10/CH6 - A Sweet Vision, and Sir Kay's Strength Returns

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Her mind was made up, it would mean the revelation of magic long kept secret within her family line, but dear God, this man was so deserving, for had he not given up the joy of his wife and children, and come to save a brother who had once regarded him as less than the dirt under his feet?

He had risked the terror of the Time Portal, not knowing if he would ever return to his home, or even if he would live to see another day, despite reassurances to the contrary. He was a man to be reckoned with, and his courage was unfailing. She looked at him fondly, and placed her gentle hand upon his arm.

" If I should tell you that I am able to give you a glimpse of them," she asked, "what would you say? Would you be glad, or feel that the torture of it would deepen your sense of loss?"

His eyes were wide and incredulous as he looked at her. A man of magic himself, he knew that there were methods of enchantment far greater than his mind could fathom. Though called upon in latter years to utilise magic in the saving of others, he knew that his grasp of it was merely fundamental.

Anyone 'gifted' as he was, could never hope to attain the magical supremacy attained by those born to it, and with it, through their family lineage.

He grasped at her hand, and beseeched her with his eyes.

" Tell me it is true!" he said, " tell me for pity's sake! I am lost in the mire of my own despair, if I could see them for just a moment, my glorious girl and dear God, my children, how I long to see their faces! I have had thoughts so dark, I can scarce repeat them, and yet I feel I must say them out loud! God forgive, me but it has come to me that in this time, all those that I know and love are long dead!

" I know nothing of this magic you speak of. Shall I be visible to them? Shall I be able to speak with them? Will they hear my voice? From whence comes this enchantment, and is it known to others?"

"So many questions, Guy of Gisborne," she retorted, " how would you have me answer? This enchantment comes to me through the lineage of my family, and is used rarely, generally when one of our close kin is near death, and wishes to meet with those dear to them before the final day comes."

" Or if a relative dwells in another place, and a child or grandchild is to be born, this enchantment can briefly lessen the distance between those who wish it for a short while, and allow the first sight of the child."

" As for knowledge of your presence, I can make no promises. There may be none, for only those with an unbreakable bond of love can be aware of the other during this window in time. You must think of an hour in the day when they will all be together, in one place."

"We must also take great care that we are not overseen, there are some hereabouts who would make mischief for the sheer spite of it, and the pleasure it would give them to be rewarded by their Lord Sheriff, when they report to him of witchcraft being practiced in his domain. Doubtless he would enjoy a burning, and wallow in the notoriety it would bring him. I curse the day of his birth, he has been the ruin of many, but shows remorse to none!"

There was the sound of footsteps behind them, and they turned to see Crispin Guy behind them, for once out of the company of his younger brother.

" My Papa wishes for your company Sir," he said to Guy, " my Mama looks to our supper, and he requests your presence. He speaks of a haircut, and hopes you can oblige. Mama tells me that he walked to the window unaided an hour or so ago, and he boasts of his efforts, though he was faint when he lay down again."

"He also spoke of fresh bread with butter and cheese, and asks if there is an apple about the place, as he so desires the taste of one."

Guy stood and walked back to the cottage, his heart racing with the knowledge that Tilly had shared with him. The news of Kay's improvement in health was welcome, though Guy knew it would be a long road to full health for him.

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