CHR10/CH2 - Larkrise and Nottingham Revisited

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As Guy had never met the wife of his brother, nor his two sons, he wondered at the wisdom of Tilly's words.

"How shall I know them," he asked, " and why would they place their trust in me?"

"They are in such dire straits, that the thought of a hot supper and a warm bed may tempt her," Tilly replied, "you can but try. You must first ensure that this woman and the two boys in her care, are indeed the ones you seek."

" Take care that you do not reveal your true identity unbidden, for she may well be desperate enough to betray you, if she believes your presence will allow her to bargain for the release of her man."

Guy looked at her keenly as she continued.

" They are also unknown to me, but their clothing, though now much soiled and torn, speaks of wealth, and she is shunned by the desperate beggar community she seeks to be a part of."

" That would suggest that she is not of their class, and because of it, they reject her. It is this that tells me she is the woman you seek."

"I have purchased fresh clothing for all, and I hope to God they are a good fit, my approximation of size may well be incorrect, but beggars cannot be choosers"

Even as he saw the rightness of her words, Guy's thoughts were yet confused by the strange journey he had undertaken. As they sat there in silence, each deep in their own thoughts, he wondered of his family now so far distant.

"Do they speak of me?" he wondered, " Is the day's work over for them, or has it just begun? Am I missed, surely I am. Are those so dear to me safe? Are they well? Who knows? But I must not think of such things, they distract me from my task."

The fine detail of his time spent Portal escaped him, and such things had not been mentioned in his discussions with the wizard Paladin, but then he had not known the questions to ask, so how could he expect now to know the answers, even though he had so recently journeyed by way of it?

Tilly was dozing in the chair beside him, and she woke at his touch on her arm.

" We must away to our beds," he said, "eyes and minds will be fresh after a night's rest, and tomorrow I must await your return from Nottingham with intelligence on this poor starving family of mine."

" I will see to the beasts in your absence, and perhaps turn the soil into furrows for the vegetables you previously mentioned."

He smiled to himself as he remembered that Auriel had asked that he turn the soil in her fruit garden in the days before his departure, but that he had not found the time to carry out her wish.

"There will be eggs to gather, and cows to milk," he added, "I shall not be idle, and any who watch must see me confirm the purpose of my sojourn here. Is there wood to be chopped, if so you must show me the axe, and any other implements I may need."

"Tomorrow," she said, standing slowly and rubbing her eyes, " I shall tell all tomorrow, now up the stairs with you my handsome fellow, a good feather mattress awaits, and dawn will be with us ere long."

"I bid you goodnight Guy of Gisborne, I am away now to walk the boundaries, and check my animals before I go to my bed. Will you see to the fire before you retire? My Lord, it is good to have a man about the place! Your presence is a blessing."

He woke to the smell of something wonderful, as his warmly affectionate host called up the stairs.

"Up!Up! The bread is fresh, and the eggs fresher, stir yourself, 'ere the day is half over!"

He splashed cold water on his face from a bowl on the small table by his bed and looked down at his bare legs.

"Dear Lord let my britches be fit to wear," he smiled to himself.

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