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   It's nothing unusual for Eligos to receive looks from everyone. He's used to it at this point after living for so long.

But it absolutely ticks him off that the main reason now is because of the demon clinging onto him, holding his hand tightly as that said creature keeps jumping at every human who passes them.

Astaroth shuffles behind Eligos, close to shitting his pants whenever he receives a single look from the students. It can't be helped. Demons are, as always, creatures that were blessed and cursed with good looks and other worldly auras that make it impossible for humans to ignore.

Eligos yanks his hand away. "Could you stop that? I don't want people giving us the wrong idea-"

"W-What are you doing? Don't pull away!" Astaroth desperately reaches out for Eligos while clumsily fixing his backpack. "I'm scared! I'm so scared, I don't want to be here! Don't make me go to school, Eligos!"

"Shut up! Don't say my real name! I go by Eli! Your new name is... what name did you give to that human again?"

"The principal? I just... I-I said it was Astaroth-"

"Are you stupid? We can't just go around giving people our names!"

Astaroth flinched back and nearly stumbled against another student. His face turns white, deathly pale at how close to contact he was with them.

"I didn't know what else to say!"

"You should've just made up a name, idiot. Now, I have to go and fix your mess-"

"Why are you yelling at him?"

Astaroth nearly slammed himself against the lockers, completely terrified seeing Benjamin walking up to them.

Benjamin frowns, looking back and forth between the demons.

"Are you making fun of him?"

Eligos sneers, "This dumbass already failed his first task!"

"Don't call him that. He's just scared," Benjamin scolds. He turns to Astaroth, holding a handout. "Um, you already know me, but I'm Benjamin. I'm really sorry that you had to come up here, but if you'll give me a few days, I might be able to change everyone's minds when I tell them you should just stay down in Hell."

Astaroth nodded in a hurry, still pressing himself against the locker walls to create space.

"O-Okay... are you going to break my hand if I give it to you?"

"Does he look like he can?" Eligos scoffs.

"Humans are capable of everything, Eligos. You mustn't underestimate them! Even if they're on the brink of death, they still possess unnatural amounts of strength to fight back. This one's particularly dangerous with how shy he looks, he could try to kill me-"

Benjamin lightly grabs Astaroth's hand. Astaroth almost shrieks in fear and turns his face to the side, gritting his teeth.

Eligos was dumbfounded at the sight. This was so fucking stupid. Astaroth looks like a literal dumbass and can't even stand properly without his legs shaking, yet that doesn't stop Benjamin from cradling the demon's hand and patting him gently.

"It's okay. You'll be fine," Benjamin murmured. "If you're that scared of me, I can keep my distance. I'll try not to bother you, so just stick with Eli, okay?"

"Hell no." Eligos shoved Astaroth away.

"Don't do that! What's wrong with you? Are you okay, Astaroth?"

"No," Astaroth squeaks out. He doesn't even mind being shoved to the side. He was too busy trying not to scream.

This was even worse than suffering humiliation from Eligos. He was a great demon prince and was so powerful that he can topple over armies, even if they were demons or angels. But being reduced to this? As someone who can't even look Benjamin in the eye?

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