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Benjamin thinks he has a good routine going on.

He struggles getting up for school and hardly has any breakfast. When he walks out of his house, Eligos is always there, ready to pick him up with that fancy car of his.

Once they get there, school seems to be a bit more enjoyable for Benjamin. He's not alone since Eligos always clings onto him despite the strange looks they get from their classmates. He once worried about his old group of friends disturbing them, but Marcus kept true to his word and leaves them alone.

Even at lunch. They don't bother sparing Benjamin a look which sort of disturbs him, but Benjamin ends up eating outside to avoid the awkwardness of being in the same place as them.

Zoe keeps them company. After all, she's the one who invites the two of them to her secret hideout. Eligos thinks it's a great place since he can hog all of Benjamin's attention.

"Your name's Eli, right?" Zoe asked the demon.

"Yup! You're Zoe from third period, aren't you?"

"That's me," she lowly responded, stealing a piece of Eligos' food. "I didn't know you and Benjamin were so close. Are you two childhood friends or something?"

"We actually met before I started school. We're best friends!"

"Oh, I see. You better be careful then if you keep hanging out with him. Ah, no offense, Benjamin. You know how Emma is."

The student sighed, "I know..."

Eligos doesn't seem to really understand what's going on. But when Benjamin excuses him to use the restroom, he was quick to ask Zoe what she meant by her words earlier.

Zoe didn't know much honestly. She was still pretty new to the school, so all she could tell Eligos was a few rumors here and there about how Benjamin was with his old friends. They weren't good stories, and the most decent one she told the demon was how strangely possessive they were over the student, which meant he got the most protection out of everyone in this place.

Eligos didn't say anything after. He was quiet for the most part and ate his lunch even though he didn't really need it. But as soon as Benjamin came back, Eligos returned to his cheery self and started to pester the boy about random things.

The rest of the week was full of the same old thing. Benjamin got up, went to school, spent time with Eligos, and said goodbye to Zoe before he left with the demon. Nothing else happened. He was grateful for it.

Though he did panic a little when Lucy caught sight of Benjamin entering the house with Eligos. She came home early and was surprised to hear how Eligos introduced himself as Benjamin's best friend. Lucy wondered about Marcus and Emma but didn't say anything when she saw a nervous look on her little brother's face.

It was a relief when she ended up liking Eligos. It was kind of strange to hear why someone like he was always eager to be with her brother, but if Benjamin was happy with him then she didn't mind no matter how peculiar Eligos was. She even said to Benjamin how it'd be nice to let Eligos spend the night since it was already the weekend.

Benjamin expected the demon to jump at the offer and beg him to stay, yet Eligos turned it down with a dejected look on his face. Later on, when they went into his room, Eligos complained about having to go back to his region for a while to oversee a few things. He wanted to stay really bad, but Benjamin said it was fine.

If Lucifer couldn't shirk his duties, then Eligos can't either.

The next morning, Benjamin opted to stay in all day when he received a familiar letter on the top of his desk. The symbol of Beelzebub.

The Devil's PlaymateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora