Eventually the funeral director instructed them all to get inside their cars so that they could make their way to the gravesite.

Everyone piled into their cars. The family was only allowed at the cemetery to keep down the chaos. Sam's funeral was packed. Some people didn't even know him, they took this is as an opportunity to be in the same room as someone famous.

After Sam's burial, they headed to the repass.

Everybody mingled, except for Mya who sat at the table holding Jade and her face stayed in her phone as she distracted herself with work. Once she snapped the night before, she hadn't been right since. She'd been trying to keep calm today but that old Mya and her temper was itching to jump out.

And the cause of that actually happening, had approached her.

The seat next to Mya pulled back and Tim sat down. She looked over at him and instantly rolled her eyes. "Please move." She said.

"I can sit anywhere."

"Not by me, please move. I'm asking nicely."

"I still can't believe the bullshit you and that nigga pulled."


"I'm yo blood brother and you let this motherfucka put his hands on me? You ain't shit Mya. You ain't shit."

She looked over at him like he was crazy. "Bro are you on fucking crack?! He defended me because your stupid ass CONTINUES to be disrespectful. Get the fuck away from me."

"I ain't doing shit bitch. Do you know how much dirt I got on y'all? On ya husband? How you think the world gone feel once they find out about them crack rumors being real? Or that he choked you during y'all therapy session."

"How do you know about that?!"

"Ya blabber mouth ass mama."

"I swear to God Tim, you got two seconds to get away from me."

He put his finger in Mya's face. "Bitch fuck you."

Amber stood close by, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Mya roughly smacked Tim's hand away and he reflexed and smacked her clean across her face.

The room grew quiet immediately. Chris was talking to Hoody, Sinko and Keeis he didn't even realize what was going on.

"TIM WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Amber yelled rushing over to Mya who held her face, shocked.

Chris was alert now. With furrowed eyebrows, he stepped around his boys to see what was going on.

"That nigga just slapped Mya!" Kayla said making Chris look at her like she was insane.

"What?!" Chris asked.

"He just fucking slapped her! Why are you still standing here?!"

Chris rushed over to Mya but before he could even touch Tim, Mya pushed Jade into Ambers arms and took the knife off the table and tried to stab her brother. Chris immediately grabbed her hand instead. "Mya no!" He yelled trying to get the steak knife out her hand.

Checkmate: THE NEXT LEVEL (R)Where stories live. Discover now